Page 92 of The Boss

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“I like being spanked,” she said cheekily.

“I’ll spank you and deny you an orgasm,” I said.

She glared at me. “You can’t keep threatening denied orgasms, sir.”

“It’s not a threat,” I said.

“Fine,” she said huffily, “but when you’re at emergency care with a cracked rib, I get to tell you I told you so.”

She grabbed my dick - not that gently, but I didn’t fucking care - and lifted enough to press it against her entrance. I groaned when she basically shoved her little cunt down over my dick, and her slick warmth swallowed my length.

She grunted, pain flickering across her face, and I gave her a light slap to the ass. “That’s what you get for having a tantrum and taking my cock too quickly.”

“Quiet, you,” she muttered under her breath.

I slapped her ass again, making her squeal and tighten around my cock. “Fuck! Riley, don’t fucking squeeze like that - you’ll make me come.”

“Maybe that’s what I want,” she said with a cheeky grin before she grabbed my wrists and pulled them over my head. She leaned against me, her tits pressing into my chest, her eyes bright, and her little cunt fluttering around my shaft. “Maybe I want to be in charge tonight, Mr. Cross. Maybe I want to decide when you come for a change.”

“Is that right?” I made a show of pushing back against her grip, hiding my grin when she held me tighter. I could have easily broken her hold, but I allowed us both to pretend I was her captive.

She made a few slow thrusts against me, moaning quietly at the sensation. She brushed her soft lips across my throat, and then her hot, wet tongue dipped into the hollow of my throat as she rubbed her pretty tits against my chest.

“Do you know how hard it is to see you every day and not touch you?” I rasped into her ear.

She lifted her head, our faces only inches apart, as she made more of those slow, deliberate thrusts of her hips against mine.

“How difficult it is to watch you walk into my office without kneeling, to speak without my permission?” I studied the shimmer of hot desire that crossed her face with my words.

I broke her grip with a hard tug, making her gasp when I gripped her wrists and pulled her arms behind her back, pinning them at the small of her back as she fell onto my chest with a soft grunt.

I nuzzled her throat, thrilling in the feel of her soft weight on top of me before making two hard thrusts into her pussy. She cried out, her body shivering against mine and her knees clamping around my hips.

“Every time you walk into my office and aren’t my good girl, it takes every last ounce of my willpower not to bend you over my desk right there and spank you,” I said.

She moaned, her cunt squeezing me so tight I lost the ability to think for a moment. I squeezed her wrists and nipped at her throat. “I’ve fantasized about doing it. About ordering you to take off your panties, lift your skirt, and bend over my desk. To spread your soft thighs and show me your cunt while I turn your ass red with my hand.”

“Deacon,” she moaned as fresh, hot liquid soaked my thighs. I could hear every pump of my body into hers now, her pussy sucking at me, milking me hard and making it nearly impossible for me to talk.

I gritted my teeth, ignoring the exquisite pleasure of her pussy, and nipped her throat again before sliding one hand up her body and cupping her throat. I stroked my thumb against her wildly beating pulse as she stared at me, her lips parted and her eyes hazy with desire.

“Once your ass is properly spanked,” I brushed my mouth against hers, “I make you spread your legs even wider for me, and I tell you to be my good girl and stay pliant and quiet while I fuck you.”

We were moving harder now, me fucking up into her with long deep jabs, her hips grinding down against me, small whines and moans escaping her lips. I shifted below her, angled my hips deeper to find her g-spot, and was rewarded with a harsh cry of bliss from her perfect mouth.

She yanked at my grip, and I released her, keeping one hand around her throat but sliding the other around her waist to hold her steady as I fucked her. Her hands gripped my arm, her body straining for its release as I drove into her again and again.

My voice hoarse, I said, “You’ll be a good, sweet little hole for me, Riley. You’ll take what I give you and beg me for more. Do you know why, baby?”

She moaned, her cheeks flushed and her hair sticking to her face as I kept pumping, plunging deep over and over.

“You’ll let me fuck you, rut you, give you my cum because you’re my good girl.”

Her voice erupted into a shriek at my final words, her body madly shuddering as she came hard, and hot liquid soaked my thighs. I roared her name, jerking up again and again, filling her full of my seed and, fuck, it was good… so fucking good.

Her body collapsed against mine, and we panted in unison. Her body trembled wildly as mine shook just as hard. When she finally slid off, our bodies disconnecting with an audible squelch, she collapsed on the bed beside me.

We lay in silence until the reality of what I’d said to her permeated my pleasure fogged brain. I sat up on my elbows, staring at her as she opened her eyes and said, “What’s wrong?”
