Page 54 of The Boss

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“I don’t want another job,” I said. “I… I enjoy working for your company, Mr. Wright.”

“We’re lucky to have you.” He glanced at Lina before turning back to me. “Leave early, Riley. Go home and decompress.”

“Oh, I’m okay, I -”

“It’s not a request,” he said, his voice firm. “Have a good weekend, and we’ll see you on Monday.”

I nodded. “Yes, Mr. Wright.”



I added the last of my clothes to my small suitcase, zipped it shut, and set it on the floor next to the closet. My flight left early tomorrow morning, and while it wasn’t even eight, I considered going to bed. I had no work to occupy my time, I wasn’t much for watching TV, and earlier, I couldn’t lose myself in a book like I normally could.

I was restless and out of sorts, and as much as I tried to pretend, I knew the reason for it. I wouldn’t see Charlotte this weekend.

I grumbled a curse and walked to the kitchen, grabbing a beer from the fridge as I stared moodily out the window. It’d only been twenty-four hours since I’d seen her, and knowing I’d have to go another five days pissed me off. I didn’t want to go that long to touch her soft skin, to taste the sweetness of her cunt, or watch her ride my dick.

Whoa. Ride your dick?

I drank a few swallows of beer, trying to convince myself that thought was just a meaningless blip. I didn’t want to fuck Charlotte. I’d been very clear with myself that if I started using the agency again, it wouldn’t include fucking. Fucking complicated things. It had a way of making a person feel things they shouldn’t.

Besides, even if, hypothetically speaking, I did change my mind on the no fucking clause, Charlotte had the same rule, and the sisters had expressed more than once that she wouldn’t change her mind about that.

I decided to book Charlotte for Monday night instead of waiting for Wednesday. I immediately felt better and reached for my phone to text the sisters. The doorbell rang, and I frowned before heading to the front door.

Maybe it’s Charlotte.

That was utterly ridiculous. Why would Charlotte show up unannounced on a Friday night?

Maybe she wants you to fuck her.

Again, completely ridiculous, so why did I have a flicker of hope in my belly?

I opened the door, staring in surprise at the dark-haired man. “Aiden? Hey, come in.”

“Hi, Deacon.” Aiden stepped inside and shut the door behind him. “Christ, it’s cold out tonight.”

I took his jacket and hung it in the closet as Aiden blew on his hands and rubbed them together briskly.

“Do you want a beer?” I asked.

He shook his head. “No, thanks, but I’ll take a coffee if it isn’t too much trouble.”

“It isn’t,” I said.

Ten minutes later, we were sitting at the kitchen island, my beer left on the counter and a steaming cup of coffee in front of both of us.

Aiden sipped at his coffee before saying, “Sorry to show up without calling first.”

“It’s fine,” I said. “How’s Lina?”

Aiden’s face softened. “She’s good. Really good.”

“And Noah?”

Pride washed over him. “Amazing. That kid is so fucking smart and kind, and he’s the best thing that’s ever happened to Lina and me.”
