Page 53 of The Boss

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“I texted him an SOS the minute that asshole started yelling at you,” Lina said.

“What? Why would you do that?” I asked. “Now Mr. Wright knows I’m incompetent, too, and he won’t give me a reference letter. Maybe I can text Jamie and ask him to give me a reference. He’d do that for me, right? He would. I know he would. Where’s my phone? I need my phone so I can text him.”

“Riley,” Lina took my hands again, “stop. Take some deep breaths, honey.”

I took a few deep breaths, staring wide-eyed at Lina. “I need to text Jamie for a reference.”

She leaned closer, and the compassion on her face and Daisy’s warm bulk against my knees helped soothe some of my panic. “You’re not fired.”

“I am,” I said. “He fired me.”

Lina shook her head. “Trust me, the only one being fired today is Victor fucking Rainer.”

I blinked at her before barking harsh laughter. “He’s… he’s the CFO, and I’m a secretary. Mr. Wright won’t fire him.”

“Like fuck he won’t,” Lina said. “Riley, I know my husband and trust me, Victor Rainer is being escorted out of the building by security right now.”

I shook my head. “No, that isn’t -”

The office door opened, and Aiden stepped inside, shutting the door behind him. Daisy chuffed happily and walked over to him, nudging his hand with her head. He petted her absently before he joined us by the couch.

“Riley, are you all right?”

“I’m fine,” I lied. I stood, and Lina stood with me, groaning softly and rubbing at her back.

“Is he gone?” Lina asked.

Aiden nodded. “Security is escorting him out. He bleated and whined about leaving his shit behind, but we’ll forward it to the fucking asshole.”

Lina grinned with satisfaction before turning toward me. “Told you.”

I stared in shock at Aiden. “You fired him?”

“Of course I did,” he said. “He was screaming at you and threatening you.”

“He wasn’t,” I said.

“Uh, yeah, he was,” Lina said.

“I’m just a secretary,” I said. I sounded ridiculous, but I couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that the company’s owner had just fired the CFO because of me. “He… he’s brilliant, and it’s our year end. We… we need him.”

“He was abusive to you. You’re an integral part of the team, and I don’t care how fucking smart he is,” Aiden said. “No one treats my employees like that.”

Lina slipped her arm around his waist and stood on her tiptoes to kiss his cheek. “You’re the best, honey.”

He smiled at her before turning his gaze toward me. I wilted a little, trying not to be unnerved but failing. Aiden Wright might have just saved my job, but he still intimidated the fuck out of me.

“This isn’t the first time he’s done this, is it?” Aiden asked.

I pressed my lips together and made a non-committal shrug.

“Riley,” Lina said gently, “tell Aiden the truth, please.”

“He was difficult to work with.” It was all I would admit, and even Aiden’s irritated look wouldn’t make me reveal more.

“Our year end,” I said. “What will we do?”

“Let me worry about that,” Aiden said. “Victor Rainer is done here, and I want to apologize personally for his behaviour. I’ll understand if you’d like to look for another job, but I assure you this will never happen again.”
