Page 40 of The Boss

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Hello, Charlotte. Is your car fixed, or should I send an Uber on Thursday night?

I set my phone on the couch, watched two minutes of a cooking show that played on the television, and then picked up my phone and checked messages. Bubbles indicated that Charlotte was typing, sending more excitement through me than I wanted to admit.


Hello, Mr. Steele. Marvin is fixed and ready and willing to make the drive.


Glad to hear it. I’m looking forward to Thursday.


Me as well, sir.

I set my phone down and stared at the TV again for almost a minute before I picked up my phone again.


How is the work situation with your boss?


A little better, I think. I haven’t made any mistakes this week, and he hasn’t yelled at me. That’s an improvement. Mind you, it is only Tuesday. Plenty of time to get yelled at. ;)

I scowled. I didn’t like the idea of Charlotte being yelled at. She was so sensitive, and I could only imagine the damage it did to her. My phone dinged, and I eagerly scanned the screen.


How was your day?


Fine. Leo came over tonight for a beer. Yours?


Good. My best friend Ella works in Australia right now, but we video chatted for a while. It was good to catch up with her. Now I’m reading and having a bath.

My dick immediately hardened, and a hot wave of lust washed over me. I shifted on the couch, trying to ease the sudden pressure at my crotch.


You’re in the tub right now?



I stared fixedly at my phone. I shouldn’t, I absolutely fucking shouldn’t reply, but I did anyway.


You’re naked while you text with me?


I don’t usually wear clothes when I’m in the tub.
