Page 39 of The Boss

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“No, and I’m not going to.”

“Just checking.” Leo glanced at his watch. “Shit, I gotta go. I told Sherri I’d meet her at her place at eight.”

“Sherri from the club?” I asked.


I followed Leo out to the foyer. “You’re seeing Sherri outside of the club?”

Leo shrugged. “It’s a new thing. We just started last week.”

“Are you dating her?” I asked.

“We haven’t defined it.” Leo shrugged into his jacket.

“Hey,” I said. “Are you into Sherri?”

Leo grinned at me. “Yeah, and I think she’s into me too.”

“That’s great,” I said. “I’m happy for you.”

“Thanks, buddy.” Leo opened the door, and a blast of cold air washed over us. “Fuck, it’s freezing out. This cold snap is supposed to last another two weeks and get even colder. I gotta move to some warm fucking island.”

I laughed. “You and me both.”

“Later, loser,” Leo said with a grin before jogging to his car.

I closed the door and leaned against it briefly before returning to the family room. I snorted as I collapsed on the couch and stared moodily at the television mounted over the fireplace. Could it be called a family room when only one person lived here?

I studied the room. Once, I had imagined a family here. Me and Eloise and our children. But I’d been a fool who’d wanted something so badly I’d ignored every fucking red flag waving around Eloise.

You just need to find someone else.

No thanks. I’d made that mistake once before and look where it got me. I’d rather live alone in my giant fucking house for the rest of my life than have my heart crushed again. I’d barely survived it the first time. I wouldn’t survive it again.

Charlotte wouldn’t break your heart.

I pushed that thought out of my head. Charlotte might be compatible with my tastes in bed, but so was Eloise. And Charlotte seemed even more hard up for money than Eloise had been.

Since our Sunday play session, I’d spent more time than I’d liked wondering exactly what Charlotte did for a living and why she needed money so badly. There could be a thousand reasons why, and I’d never know. I shouldn’t want to know. This was strictly a business transaction between us, nothing more.

I grabbed my phone and read the text chain between Celeste and myself. I’d tried to book Charlotte for my usual Wednesday night, but she wasn’t available. I’d booked for Thursday night instead and was a little annoyed that I’d have to wait an extra day.

Because you’re horny or because you’re worried she’s playing with someone else?

My jaw tightened. Charlotte had told me she wasn’t playing with anyone else.

And you believe her just like that? Of course she wouldn’t tell you if she was playing with someone else. Why would she?

My inner voice made a good point, and I tried not to let the jealousy take hold. It shouldn’t matter to me if Charlotte was playing with someone else. Thursday night was a business transaction - nothing more.

Still, that didn’t stop me from bringing up Charlotte’s number. I absolutely should not fucking text her. Having each other’s numbers was against the rules, and it was only because I was afraid she’d freeze to death on her way to my house that I had her number.

Of course, checking to ensure her car was fixed was a reason to text, right? If I didn’t confirm, she’d be walking from the bus stop on Thursday night, and it was supposed to be one of the coldest nights yet.

That cemented my decision, and I quickly fired off a text to her.

