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“What are we going to tell my sister?” she asks, her fingers entwined with mine as we sneak out of the darkroom and into the empty hallway.

“That we’re together.”

“Are we?” she asks, sounding like she genuinely isn’t sure.

Dragging her to me, I cup her face with my hands and roll my eyes. “Yes, Penelope, we’re together. You’re mine, and I’m yours. Boyfriend and girlfriend, a couple, or whatever else you want to call us. Okay?”

Her cheeks heat, and she dips her chin, like she’s too embarrassed to look at me. “Okay,” she says, a hint of a smile tugging at the corners of her lips as I tuck her under my arm and guide her toward the cafeteria.

“We thought you’d skipped,” Davis says, his grin wide as he wiggles his eyebrows salaciously.

“Nope, we’re still here,” I say, leaning forward and slugging him in the shoulder without releasing my hold on Penelope.

“Ow.” He laughs, rubbing at his shoulder, before turning his calculating eyes on the girl clinging to my side.

She tenses, and I can feel her bracing for whatever he’s going to say.

His eyes rake over my girl’s sexy, rumpled hair and uniform. “Well, well, well, Penelope, are you deeming us worthy enough to sit with, now that you’re sucking Hawthorn’s dick?”

A coldness radiates through me as my muscles tense and I ready myself to beat the living shit out of my friend.

Scoffing coldly, she untangles herself from my side and saunters sexily toward him. “Davis,” she purrs.

“What’s up, boo? Sloppy seconds aren’t normally my style, but I’m liking this new sex kitten look you’ve got going, so I’ll make an exception and let you take a ride on my cock next,” he sneers.

Her heels click along the floor as she closes the distance between them. I feel myself tense as she reaches out and rests her perfectly manicured hand against his chest. Lifting her chin, she looks up at him and sighs breathily, then leans into him until her lips are an inch from his cheek and whispers just loud enough for me to hear, “Go fuck yourself,” a second before she snaps her knee up and drives it into his balls.

A startled laugh falls from my lips when Davis crumples to a heap at her feet. I still want to beat the shit out of him for talking to my girl the way he just did, but my balls clench up in sympathy at the pain I know he must be in right now. Turning on her heel, my Princess walks straight back into my arms, and I feel the tremor running through her stiff muscles as she curls herself around me, pressing her face into my shoulder.

“Did you just knee Davis in the balls? What did he do?” Izzy asks, arriving at our side with Gulliver’s arm curled around her neck possessively.

“He deserved it,” Penelope says quickly, tightening her hold on me.

“I have no doubt,” Izzy says, shrugging it off with a laugh.

“What the fuck is going on with you guys?” Gulliver asks, his expression suspicious as he looks between me and Penelope, who is clinging to me as her earlier confidence starts to wane.

“Let’s skip the rest of the day and we can go back to The Escape,” I suggest, looking down at Princess, who nods her agreement. Unable to resist touching her, I lift her chin and press my lips against hers.

Penelope rides with me, while the others follow in Gulliver’s car. I can feel the tension radiating off her as we drive the familiar route to the marina, but her mask has fallen back into place, and her expression is stoically calm. “Are you okay?” I ask, reaching over to lay my hand on her thigh.

“Kind of,” she says, turning to look at me with panic-filled eyes.

“Do you want to tell me what has you freaking out? Is it Davis? Because he’s an asshole, but after you nailed him in the balls, I doubt he’ll speak to you like that again. If he does, I’ll make sure he knows to keep his mouth shut unless he wants me to break his jaw so he’s forced to get it wired closed.”

“No, it’s not Davis, although I’d sort of forgotten how much Gulliver and the others hate me. But no, I had this big plan to march into school and talk to my sister…but then you were there and I kissed you and then we…you know, and you stole all my sass and now I don’t think I can do what I planned to do,” she garbles, talking so quickly I can barely keep up.

“I’m not sorry about the kissing and fucking,” I confess, arching an eyebrow at her and smiling.

Pursing her lips, she laughs lightly, fighting the smile that tries to spread over her mouth. Grabbing her chin, I turn her to face me, urging her to lean over the center console. When she does as I silently demand, I turn my chin and press a quick kiss to her lips before focusing on the road again.

“What did you plan to do?” I ask, wanting to keep her talking.

“Something that seemed like a good idea last night when I was full of bravado, getting my hair dyed, drinking martinis, and eating ice cream. But it all feels a bit stupid now.”

“Tell me, I’m sure it’s not stupid,” I coax, sliding my hand up her thigh until it’s resting an inch from her damp, cum-soaked panties.

“I was going to apologize, and then I was going to ask for help,” she says quietly.

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