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Her peachy-colored hair is resting against my chest, her tits heaving up and down as she pants, her body damp with sweat, soft and pliant against me.


The word settles into my core and calms me. I hadn’t realized how desperate I was for some claim on her, some sense of ownership, until now. She kissed me, right there in front of her sister and half the fucking school. She. Kissed. Me. I told her I needed her to choose, to give herself to me without me telling her to do it, and that’s what she did. She made herself mine with a very public display of affection that I doubt I’ll ever forget.

The last five days have been hell, but I was determined to give her the space to make the decision to give herself to me on her own. I know I could have railroaded her into being mine and giving me as much control as I wanted to take, but that’s what her parents did, and I refuse to be like them.

“I like the new look,” I tell her, sweeping her hair away from her face so I can see her.

“Thanks.” She giggles sweetly, and I love the way it sounds on her. Happy and young.

“When I told you to take some time to think, I didn’t expect you to disappear for five days. Where were you?” I ask, trying to sound nonchalant and failing miserably.

Pulling away from me, she sits up and turns to face me, not trying to hide her nakedness. “In my hotel room, sulking and moping.”

A laugh falls from my lips, and I sit up, resting my back against the arm of the couch. “Yeah?”

“Yep. Then yesterday I got really angry.”

“At what?” I ask.

“Everything. Me, my great-grandfather, my mom and dad. You.”


“Yeah you.” Closing her eyes, she pulls in a slow breath. “I like you, Hawthorn, and that scares the hell out of me. When I asked you to take my virginity, it was supposed to be simple. You wanted to be in control, and I was fine with that, and we agreed it was a one-time thing, but then you changed the rules. Once the will was broken, you were supposed to go back to hating me and I was supposed to live my life knowing that I was a monster. But then there was the darkroom and my hotel, and bit by bit, you invaded my life. You make me feel weird and warm, and I have no idea what to do with that, and I’m mad at you because I was content to exist in my bubble of shame, and you wouldn’t let me.”

“I’m not going to apologize,” I say, smiling, as I reach out and tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear.

“I don’t expect you to. But you need to take off the rose-tinted glasses and stop pretending that I’m this misunderstood damsel in distress. I’m not. I’m the villain, and yes, I have messed up, evil parents, but that doesn’t excuse what I did. I know you like my…” She rolls her eyes. “Princess side, but I don’t know that side of me, if it exists at all. I’m a bitch, Hawthorn, and not because my mom told me to be, just because that’s who I am.”

Laughing lightly, I nod. “I know you’re a bitch, Princess,” I say, tweaking her nipple between my finger and thumb. “And I don’t care. You can be as bitchy as you like, to whoever you want, except me and your sister. She doesn’t deserve it, and I won’t allow it.”

“You won’t allow it?” she asks, arching an eyebrow at me.

“Nope,” I say, launching myself forward and pushing her back down against the couch, caging her in with my arms and pinning her body in place, my hard dick grinding against her wet pussy. “I’ll fuck the bitchiness out of you.”

“That doesn’t sound so bad,” she purrs.

“It will when I don’t let you come, pushing you to the edge over and over and never letting you fall off,” I growl, grinding my hips and letting just the head of my dick push into her.

Her legs lift, wrapping around my back, and she digs her heels into my ass, urging me deeper, but I don’t move, giving her only the shallowest of thrusts, teasing her.

“Hawthorn,” she whines, lifting her hips up.

“I think you forgot how this works. I’m in control.”

“So be in control, I’m yours,” she says, her words so much more impactful than the blasé way she just offered them.

“Say it again,” I growl.

Her beautiful blue eyes blink up at me, her lips parting slightly as they curve into a grin. “I’m yours,” she whispers.

I slam home, filling her in one hard thrust and claiming her completely, my lips taking hers as I seal her words with a kiss. By the time we peel ourselves free of each other, it’s lunchtime, and we’ve missed all our morning classes. Her hair is messy, her makeup is smudged, but she’s never looked sexier to me.

* * *

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