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I want the power that comes with it. I want to be wanted, envied, and desired, and without that billion-dollar payout I’m just another rich girl with a horrible personality and questionable morals.

But for the first time in three years, I’m going to do something to try to atone for my sins. So here I am, planning my own judgment, ruining my future, and changing my whole life because I am a terrible person, and bad people have to pay a penance for their actions. Today is my penance, my day of reckoning, so to speak, and it all started at five o’clock this morning.




My eyes snap open, and I jolt awake when someone pokes me in the shoulder. Acting on instinct, I grab the arm of my attacker and use my own body weight to propel me out of bed, reversing our position until I’m behind them, my arm banded across their throat, restricting their oxygen.

I don’t normally wake up and choose violence, but my dad is a survivalist hobbyist, so oddly enough, this isn’t the first time I’ve been woken up by someone attacking me in my bed. Both me and my brother have been trained in multiple martial arts and forms of both attack and self-defense. We’ve done survival training in all environments and some pretty heavy-duty war scenario training. My dad is a lovable wack job, but thanks to his rigorous training, if someone comes at me, at least I know I can defend myself.

As soon as I’m confident I’m in control of the situation, I blink through the remaining haze of sleep and look down at the person who just attacked me. Instead of finding my dad or one of my sparring partners beneath my hold, I’m shocked to realize I’m restraining a small blonde female.

For a moment, I panic, thinking I just accidentally grabbed Izzy, but then I see the long, pink-painted fingernails clawing at my arm and realize I’m not holding my friend, but her evil doppelgänger.

Immediately releasing my hold on her, I lurch back, narrowing my eyes at her when she turns around to glare at me. “What the fuck are you doing in my room, Penelobitch?”

“Really, you psycho, what am I doing?” she shrieks.

“You’re the one that’s sneaking into my room in the middle of the fucking night, but I’m the psycho?” I snarl back.

“It’s five a.m., it’s hardly the middle of the night, and I was trying to wake you up,” she says, her angry façade dissolving as she crosses her arms over her chest and pulls her bottom lip between her teeth nervously.

“Why?” I demand, crossing my arms across my chest and widening my stance.

Like my movement draws her attention, she glances down, and her eyes widen like she just this second realized that I’m not wearing any clothes. Her mouth falls open, and her expression becomes scandalized as she stares down at my dick that’s hanging happily between my legs.

I might hate this girl, but I’m not blind, and Penelope Rhodes is hot. Unfortunately, she’s also fucking evil, so I’m working with a semi-on, not a full-blown boner. But even when I’m not at full mast, I’m still pretty impressive. I have a big dick, that’s not boasting, just stating a fact.

“Oh my god, can you put some clothes on?” she gasps, actually lifting her hand to cover her eyes.

“I plan on going back to sleep as soon as you leave, so no, I’m not getting dressed. If you don’t like my dick, don’t look at it.”

Dropping her hand, her features morph into the angry, mean girl expression I’m used to seeing on her pretty face. As I watch, she inhales, closing her eyes for a brief moment before she opens them again, looking visibly…nicer. “Look, I need your help, okay?”

“What do you want me to help you with?” I ask suspiciously. I don’t like this girl. I know that Izzy wants to believe that she’s not pure evil; that she wants to break the will and forfeit the inheritance that’s terrorized both of their lives. But I’m not as willing to see the best in people as Izzy is. I think Penelope’s been backed into a corner by Izzy’s rebellion. I think she’s an opportunist who recognizes that she can’t win the game the way she’s been playing it, now that she and their parents can no longer keep Izzy in line.

Her gaze drops to my dick again, and her cheeks redden. “Can we please go somewhere and talk? Somewhere you have clothes on?”

“Look at me,” I demand.


“Because I don’t trust a single word out of your mouth, so if you’re asking me for something, I want you to be looking me in the face while you do it,” I snarl, shocked when she instantly complies.

“I just…I need to ask you for your help, and I’d really rather do that somewhere away from my sister where we can talk in private,” she says earnestly, her eyes full of honest fear, an expression I’ve only seen on her once before.

Instead of answering, I take a long moment to assess her, looking for any sign of the manipulative bullshit she’s so fucking good at. But despite her fidgeting beneath my scrutiny, it doesn’t feel like she’s acting right now. “I’d never betray your sister, she’s my friend, my family.”

This time she’s the one assessing me and not my dick, her gaze stays firmly focused on my face. “Good,” she finally says.

My lips curl up at the corners. I really fucking hate this girl, but if she’s trying not to be the snake I’ve always considered her to be, I can work with that. “Give me five minutes to get dressed.”

Without saying a word, her gaze dips one last time to my cock, and I tense my stomach, making my dick twitch. Her cheeks bloom with so much heat, I bet she’d be hot to the touch before she turns and rushes from the room. Something about seeing the embarrassed innocence on her evil fucking face amuses me, and I chuckle to myself as I grab some clothes and pull them on.

It doesn’t take me long to get dressed and brush my teeth, and less than five minutes later, I stroll into the dimly lit living room of the hotel suite we all stayed in last night. A part of me is expecting to find Penelope lounging against the cushions like an old-fashioned starlet, waiting to be gazed upon and appreciated. But instead, she’s sitting primly on the edge of the seat wearing the same dress she wore yesterday when she, Gulliver, and Izzy ran from their crazy parents’ house.

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