Page 119 of The Truth That Frees

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“Let’s do this, let’s reap our revenge and then we can move on and forget them. After tonight, we’ll pretend they never existed.”

Mark, our family’s ex-driver, the one who helped Izzy run from our parents all those months ago, drives us over to the house. Gulliver employed him as Izzy’s permanent driver a few days ago, and she’s over the moon to have him back. When we reach the gate, he pulls the black plastic fob that opens the remote lock from his pocket and turns to glance at us with a smile. “I never bothered to return this,” he says with a smirk, pressing the button so the gates start to swing open.

“My guy’s been watching the house all day, your dad came home a couple of hours ago, but no one else has gone in or out since,” Gulliver says.

“Tonight is going to be fun.” Hawthorn laughs, but there’s a barely restrained anger that’s simmering just below the surface of his humor. He’s on edge, and I immediately move closer to him, wanting to reassure him that we’re together and everything’s going to be fine.

“I love you,” I whisper as I press my face into his neck. His response is immediate, some of the tension leaving his body on a silent exhale as he lifts his hand and cradles the back of my head, burying his face into my hair.

“I love you too.”

“After tonight, they don’t exist,” I promise him. “It’s just you and me then.”

“Penelope Benedict.”

“I like how that sounds.” I smile.

When the car rolls to a stop at the bottom of the front steps, I lift my head from Hawthorn’s shoulder and turn to glance at the house. The last time we were here, I didn’t think I’d ever step foot inside again. Now everything’s changed, and we’re here for the last time, hopefully.

“I’ll keep the engine running and have nine-one-one ready to call on my cell,” Mark says, his tone completely serious.

“Hopefully we won’t be too long,” Izzy tells him.

He nods, leaving the engine running as he climbs out of the driver’s seat and comes to open our door. “Good luck, I wish I could be a fly on the wall when you tell them,” he says with a nod.

The four of us climb out, and I lead the march up the steps to the front door. I don’t knock, I just open the door and walk straight in. After all, this is my home. The others follow me in, and Hawthorn reaches for my hand, entwining his fingers with mine as I lead everyone through the house and toward the living room.

Pushing open the door, I walk straight in, smiling widely as my parents’ mouths drop open in shock. “Mom, Dad, it’s so nice to see you,” I chirp, my voice so happy and upbeat I sound a little possessed.

“What the hell are you doing in my house?” Mom snaps, demanding an explanation as she jumps to her feet, planting her hands on her hips and glaring at us.

“Thanks, Mom, we’d love to sit,” Izzy says brightly as she strides over to the sofa and sits, pulling Gulliver down next to her.

Laughing lightly, I follow suit, waiting for Hawthorn to sit and then sliding into his lap, smiling maniacally the entire time.

“Get the hell out of this house, you filthy little whores,” Dad says, the slight slur to his voice suggesting he’s had a few drinks already tonight.

“Why would we leave? We’re celebrating,” Hawthorn tells them.

“Got any champagne, Dad?” Gulliver sneers, lifting his eyebrows in a silent challenge.

“What do you want? We really don’t have time for all these pathetic teenage amateur dramatics,” Mom drawls sardonically.

“What’s the matter, Mom? I thought you’d be over the moon, I’m worth a fortune, and I landed myself a Benedict as a fiancé,” I say, blinking innocently as her expression darkens.

“Plus, it’s not like either of you have a job to go to in the morning, you’ve got all the time in the world.” Izzy laughs.

Dad surges forward, but Gulliver jumps up from the couch and blocks his path to Izzy before my dad can take more than two steps forward. “Watch it, Dad,” Gulliver says from behind gritted teeth. “Money makes the world go round, and we have enough to make a body disappear, no questions asked,” he threatens.

Dad’s murderous expression doesn’t change, but he takes a step back, his hands still clenched into tight fists at his side.

“Well,” I say brightly, pulling the attention back to me as Gulliver sits back down beside Izzy. “We don’t want to take up too much of your time, I’m sure you must be busy making plans. We just wanted to give you twenty-four hours.”

“What?” Mom snaps dismissively. “Twenty-four hours for what?”

“To pack your things,” I say. “I’m sure you’ve heard by now, but good old great-grandfather put a nice little clause hidden in his will, so when I decided to break the will deliberately, instead of coming away penniless, I ended up with it all and without all the rules. His entire estate is mine. Well, mine and Izzy’s, we decided to split it down the middle and share it. How fun is that?” I say with a cute shrug of my shoulders.

“Congratulations,” Mom sneers, turning and walking to the drink cabinet at the back of the room, pouring herself a drink.

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