Page 96 of The Lie That Traps

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“You should text your sister and let her know you won’t be covering for her, or better yet…” Wiggling my eyebrows, I pull my cell from my pocket and snap a picture of me kissing Izzy’s cheek as she smiles at the camera. “I’ll post this to my Instagram, Penelope follows me, so if she’s messing on her cell, she’ll see it. We really need to get you set up with your own accounts.”

Izzy nods, nibbling on her nail nervously as she watches the doorway.

“Miss Rhodes,” Mr. Long calls.

“Yes, sir,” she answers.

“Would you happen to know where your sister is?”

She shakes her head, a genuinely regretful look on her face. “I’m sorry, sir, I haven’t seen her since before lunch. Me being in this class with her was supposed to be a surprise.”

“Well, perhaps you should let her know that in one minute she will be receiving a tardy if she isn’t here.”

“I can give her a call, if you’d like, sir,” Izzy says, like the perfect little submissive student.

“If you would,” he says, waving his hand in a “go ahead” motion.

“Sneaky, Little Ghost,” I whisper.

“I think you’re rubbing off on me,” she says, arching an imperious eyebrow at me as she pulls her cell from her blazer pocket and brings up her sister’s number.

I open my mouth to speak, then close it again when I hear the call connect.

“What?” I hear her Penelope snap.

“I have someone who would like to speak to you,” Izzy says calmly, standing from her seat and strutting to Mr. Long’s desk, holding the cell out for him to take.

Stifling a laugh, I turn to Davis and find a grin etched across his lips. “I fucking love her,” he says.

The sound of Mr. Long’s voice draws my attention, and I turn back to the front of the class. “Miss Rhodes, this is your chemistry teacher. Would you like to explain exactly what you’re doing that is more important than attending my class?”

I can’t hear what Penelope is saying to him, but a scowl forms on his clearly unimpressed face. “I see. Well, may I suggest you spend some time this evening Googling time management skills? Now, you’re late, so you’ll receive a tardy mark, and then for every minute more you’re late, you’ll receive another one, so I suggest you get a move on.” Ending the call, he hands the cell back to Izzy. “If you could take your seat, Miss Rhodes. I hope you’re slightly more prepared than your sister, because we’re going to be starting lab work today, and I’m afraid there’s no time to catch up if you don’t already know the material.”

“I’m sure I can keep up, Mr. Long,” Izzy says sweetly before turning on her heel and sashaying back to her desk.

“That was awesome,” I whisper, pressing a kiss to her temple.

“It would have been perfect if we were having a pop quiz. But she’s resourceful, and she can fudge her way through an experiment if she picks a competent lab partner,” Izzy sighs.

“It’s only day one, Ghost. She’ll slip up sooner or later,” I tell her, settling back in my chair just as Penelope rushes through the door.

When the final bell of the day rings, I spring up from my seat and make a beeline for my locker, grabbing my stuff while I wait for the others to arrive. Just like Izzy predicted, Penelope managed to make it through our chemistry lab without anyone realizing that she hadn’t attended a science class in years. But after being called out by Mr. Long, she had a scowl etched across her face for the rest of the day.

Izzy’s last class of the day was AP algebra with Kip, and I’m desperate to know if Penelope turned up or if they had to figure out a way to force her to show. When I spot Izzy and Kip walking side by side, laughing, I’m hit with a spike of unbidden jealousy. It bothers me more than I’m willing to admit that Kip isn’t trying to hide how much he likes my fiancée. The feral, possessive side of me wants to drag her away from him, then possibly punch him in the face, then the balls for daring to want what belongs to me. But I rein it in, forcing myself to stay where I am, clenching and unclenching my hands into tight fists. When he nudges her playfully, I almost lose my shit, but then she lifts her head and spots me and her face lights up, her lips spreading into a wide smile.

“Hey,” she calls, bounding over to me.

My fists loosen, and I reach out a hand to her, so fucking relieved when she takes it that I haul her into my body and just hug her, holding her close to me. I can’t help glancing at Kip, needing him to see the triumph in my eyes and the girl in my arms, but he’s absorbed by his cell and not even looking at us.

This girl is making me crazy. She’s making me feel things that I’ve never felt before. I’ve shared girls with my boys before. Our circle is small. There are only so many girls our age in the same social sphere, which means if we all refused to get involved with girls our friends had been involved with, the pool would be incredibly fucking small, and we’re only eighteen. But the idea of anyone but me touching Izzy makes me feel fucking violent.

My Little Ghost is every bit my equal in money, status, and position, but where she towers over all of us is that she’s not jaded or hardened by this political world we live in. She literally couldn’t care less how many generations back I can count. She doesn’t care how big my trust fund is. She judges a person by the things she sees and the way they treat her.

The first time I spoke to her, I was an asshole, then I doubled down and made things a million times worse, but I’d like to think I’ve redeemed myself a little in the last week. Maybe that’s why I’m so fucking jealous every time she glances in another guy’s direction, because deep down, I know she deserves better than me.

Pulling her closer, I tilt her head back and look down at her, stroking her cheek with the pad of my thumb. “Have I told you how fucking sorry I am for all the shit I pulled with the proposal?”

“You actually haven’t, no,” she says, amused.

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