Page 47 of The Lie That Traps

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“You must have some friends. You’ve been at GAA for years,” Gulliver says from his position behind me.

I shake my head. “I’ve just kept to myself.”

“Why do I get the feeling that your sister likes it that way?” Kip asks, and I’m shocked to hear a little anger laced into his voice.

“It’s fine. I don’t want to be friends with people who don’t look hard enough to notice that there are two of us. Right now, I’m just biding my time until graduation.”

“What happens at graduation?” Davis asks, sipping at his beer.

“Freedom,” I say with a smile. “And a fresh start in a new country.”

“Where are you going?” Gulliver asks with a little bite in his voice that confuses me.

“England. I’m going to go to school over there.” A happy smile slips over my lips as I imagine what my life will look like in a year’s time. No more pretending, no more family drama, just me being me.

“Have you been sailing before?” Kip asks.

“I went a few times when I was a kid. What kind of boat do you have?” I ask.

“The Escape is a sixty-foot oyster yacht. She’s a real beauty, you’re going to love her,” Thorn says, his face coming alive with excitement.

“Oh, no, that’s okay. You guys had this all planned out before Gulliver decided to pull this engagement bullshit. I don’t want to gate-crash your day,” I say, shaking my head.

“What? You don’t want to come? It’s all perfectly safe. We’re all experienced helmsmen and crew. We keep a professional crew onboard too, so you’ll be fine,” Kip assures me, reaching over to pat my leg reassuringly.

“I’m sure you’re all very qualified, that’s not my concern. Look, Gulliver only told my mom I was going with you guys tomorrow so I didn’t have to go home tonight and to delay the drama that’s going to explode the next time I see my family. You guys don’t need to feel bad for me and offer me a pity invite. I’m more than happy to camp out here, or I can go find a coffee shop and lose myself in a book for the day,” I stammer out, willing the blush that’s rising in my cheeks to dissipate.

“You’re coming,” Gulliver growls.

“No, no, really, I don’t have to,” I say.

“I said, you’re coming,” he growls again, silencing any more arguments I might have had planned. Twisting my head, I look up into his impassive face and wonder why he cares what I do. He’s coerced me into this sham of an engagement, but surely we only have to pretend this is real when people are watching.

“Anyone else want another beer?” he asks, getting up from behind me and walking to the bar.

I shake my head when the others all nod, forcing myself not to follow him with my eyes.

“We want you to come with us tomorrow,” Kip says, scooting up to take Gulliver’s place beside me. “It’ll be fun.”

“I literally have this dress and some jean shorts with me. I don’t have anything to wear,” I say.

“I already told you that Fitzy is sending you some things over in the morning,” Gulliver interrupts, appearing in front of me as he hands out fresh bottles of beer to the guys. Glaring at Kip until he moves, Gulliver sits back down beside me, pulling me into the curve of his arm and holding me in place.

“What? I thought you just said that to shut my mom up.”

Gulliver’s laugh is low and rough as he inhales on a cigarette, blowing the smoke into the air. “I spoke to him while you were getting ready, and he was fucking ecstatic to put some things together for you. I wouldn’t be surprised if he turned up here in the morning just to dress you. You’ve completely got him in your thrall.”

“I met him for less than thirty minutes,” I scoff.

“And you look like a fucking goddess,” he says so quietly I barely hear him.

A tired yawn falls from my lips, and I sigh, exhaustion pulling me under.

“Come on, Little Ghost, it’s time for bed,” Gulliver whispers, his lips at my ear.

“Okay,” I agree, moving away from his warm heat and shivering as a waft of cool night air creates goose bumps on my skin.

One by one, the guys all stand and we shuffle off the terrace, someone shutting and locking the doors behind us. The rest of the house is dimly lit, and I slide my shoes off, gripping them in my hand and padding barefoot across the room.

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