Page 31 of The Lie That Traps

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I don’t stop until I reach my locker, then I release her hand only long enough to stuff her backpack and my stuff into my locker and lock the door.

“Hey,” she protests. “I need my stuff.”

“You can have it back after lunch,” I say curtly, grasping her hand again and heading toward the lunchroom.

“But my lunch is in my bag.” She tries to pull her hand away, but I just tighten my grip on her and drag her along with me, holding her a little tighter than I should but unwilling to let her go.

“Today, my dear fiancée, you’re going to have lunch with me in the cafeteria.”

“No, I’m not,” she snaps, yanking her hand to try to free herself.

“Yes, you are,” I say, smiling maniacally as I pull her toward me so fast that she stumbles forward, clumsily falling into my chest. Making the most of our positions, I release her hand and wrap my arm around her shoulders, pulling her tightly into my side as I march us through the doors and into the cafeteria.

It feels like the whole room goes silent and all eyes turn to us, but I doubt it’s actually as dramatic as it feels. Without thinking, I spin Izabella in my arms until she’s pressed against my chest, then I dip my face to hers and kiss her.

After what feels like an eternity but is probably no more than a second, she cautiously kisses me back, and though I’d never admit it to anyone, I like it. She feels good in my arms, and it’s not just because she’s a beautiful girl with a hot body. There’s something about this invisible girl, and I have no idea if it’s because touching her and not her sister is the ultimate “fuck you” to her family, or if it’s something more, but whatever it is, I’m enjoying it.

Lifting her up, I hold her to me, our chests pressed tightly together. When I pull back, I hook my finger under her chin and lift her lips up so I can press a soft kiss against them before I turn and smile at the people that are watching our little display.

“She said yes!” I yell dramatically, scooping her off the floor and into my arms, striding across the room to my usual table.

There’s a smattering of applause, mixed in with a little laughter, but I ignore everyone as I lower her into a chair next to Davis, then take a chair from the table behind and place it next to hers, laying my hand on her thigh and gripping tightly to stop her from bolting.

“Why are you doing this?” she asks barely above a whisper, her eyes moving frantically around the lunchroom until they fall on Penelope.

“Because for some reason your twin sister has let you eat lunch alone for three-and-a-half years, and I don’t know why. But if I had to guess, I’d say it’s because she doesn’t want people to know you exist. So, I’m guessing me bringing you in here and making a scene has probably really pissed her off,” I whisper back.

Izabella nods slowly, the sparkle in her eyes dulling to matte purple instead of the vibrant pop of color it was only moments ago. “So, all of this is just about my sister?” she scoffs quietly. “Of course it is.”

I don’t know what she just decided in her head, but she visibly nods, then shrugs. “If I’m here, I might as well enjoy the food. What’s good?” she asks the table, ignoring our incredulous looks. For the first time since I pulled her out of the car this morning, her expression is all Penelope, she’s completely disconnected, and it’s easy to see that she’s trying to act like her sister, mimicking her haughty attitude.

Silently, Kip hands her a menu, and she spends a long, silent moment perusing the choices as we all sit and watch her. When she lowers the menu and finds us all still staring, she blinks slowly, dropping it to the table in front of her.

“What would you like to eat, Izabella?” Kip asks.

“How do we order? I can do it myself,” she immediately replies.

“You’ve really never eaten in here before?” he asks.

She shakes her head.

“It’s an app, but I can order yours if you tell me what you want,” he offers, ignoring my scowling glare.

“Oh, okay. I’d like the blackened salmon and a garden salad, please,” she replies easily. “And a lemonade if they have it.”

Nodding, Kip smiles, pulls out his cell, and orders her food. What the hell? Kip isn’t the guy who orders food for a girl. He normally makes whoever he’s fucking that day order for him. He’s a douche. I mean, he’s my friend, I love him like a brother, but he’s not the type of guy who takes care of anyone else, especially not a stranger.

Incredulous, I turn my attention back to Izabella, but she’s not looking at me anymore. Her eyes are scanning the room, taking in the faces of the people who are watching us, some sneaking discreet glances and others outright staring.

When her sister stands and sashays across the room toward us, Izabella tenses, slouching in her chair as if she can somehow make herself invisible before Penelope gets here.

“Izabella, I sent you a text, but you haven’t replied. Come with me, I need to speak with you,” Penelope says, her voice coldly polite, with an edge of anger so sharp, Izabella actually cringes.

Acting without thought, I reach for Izzy, scooping her out of her seat and into my lap. “Penny, why do you keep trying to steal my fiancée away from me? I told you, you’re going to have to learn to share her now.”

Penelope’s eyes narrow into barely more than slits, and she leans forward, bracing her hand on the table beside me. “Do you think this is funny? This little performance is pathetic, Gulliver, and honestly, I thought this type of behavior was beneath you. You’re embarrassing me, my parents, and you’re embarrassing your own family too. For goodness’ sake, what will people think of poor Izabella when you and I announce our engagement? Even though it’s obvious this is all just a bit of fun to you, people still look to us to set an example for how to behave appropriately,” she hisses, never once even looking at her sister.

My friends, who are all sitting at the table around us, are morbidly silent, and even though I know she hasn’t spoken loud enough for anyone but us to hear, it feels like every person in the room has stopped speaking to listen.

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