Page 38 of The Heir: Part 2

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Laughing, I lick her arousal clean from her pussy and carefully join the poppers of her lingerie together, covering her from my sight once again. “Finish getting ready, baby,” I laugh, lifting her from the dressing table and lowering her to the floor, smacking her butt as I move past her and head for the bathroom to take a shower.

Thirty minutes later, her hair and makeup are flawless again and the tantalizing underwear is hidden by an equally tantalizing dress. Made of the palest pink satin, the top clings to her breasts, the pale gold beads drawing the eye down to her tiny waist, flowing all the way down to where the toes of her shoes peek out at the bottom.

“Carrigan you are exquisite,” I say, my voice filled with awe that this girl is mine.

“Thank you,” she says, a blush rising in her cheeks as she drops her gaze and glances down at her dress, smoothing the already wrinkle free fabric.

“Come here,” I order.

Her feet move and in a second she’s in front of me, her head tilted back, looking up at me.

“Beautiful, real, and mine,” I whisper, lifting her chin with my finger and leading her lips to mine as I kiss her reverently. Pulling back, I smile down at her. “You ready?”

“I suppose,” she nods.

“Then let’s go.” Placing my palm on the base of her spine, I lead her out of our bedroom and into the lounge area where Olly and Watson are waiting for us. The guys are all in black tuxedos, both of them noodling on their phones.

“Crueligan, you look hot,” Wats catcalls to Priss as his eyes rake over her.

“Mine,” I growl.

“I know dude,” he laughs. “She’s still hot though,” he says, with an unapologetic shrug as he winks at my girl.

Arlo and Tally’s door opens and they emerge, he’s in all black as usual, but Tally looks beautiful in a silver and white gown that’s not unsimilar to Priss’s.

“Fuck me I need to find me a girl, the twins are too hot,” Wats laughs, growling playfully at Tally who blows him a kiss back, while Arlo glowers behind her.

“Eye’s off my fiancé,” Arlo snarls, narrowing his eyes. Without even glancing in his direction, Tally flings back her hand and smacks him in the stomach. “Behave,” she laughs.

Her eyes land on Priss and her smile instantly widens. “Carrigan you look beautiful,” she cries, rushing over to her sister and taking her hand to make her twirl.

“You too,” Priss easily replies, tucking a strand of hair that’s escaped from Tally’s artfully messy hairstyle back behind her ear.

As the girls chatter comfortably, I take a moment to watch them and I know the others do to. Two months ago they were enemies and now they’re sisters, twins, the affection between them so palpable you can literally feel it. At first glance they’re eerily identical, even with the slight changes they’ve made to their appearances. Before, their energies were polar opposites, Tally was free and relaxed, Priss tense and wound tight, but looking at them now, they share a happy, easy, joy that makes my heart jump in my chest.

I’m not a sentimental person, I’m a man and most of the time my dick is solidly in control, but knowing and seeing my girl calm, relaxed, and happy, it makes me feel those things too.

I love her.

It shouldn’t be a startling realization, I knew I was falling in love with her, but there’s no falling anymore, I’ve fallen, I love her and I know it now as certainly as I know I love my family and my brothers. The small box that’s nestled in my inside breast pocket seems to heat. I want her, I need her, and I can’t see that ever changing.



The huge doors to the ballroom are open when we get downstairs. As we’re the hosts, we really should have been here to greet our guests, but we let Mr. Lexington and Olly’s parents do the honors so we could make an entrance.

Swallowing thickly, I try to get past the huge lump in my throat, but my mouth feels too dry and the worry that’s lodged inside of me makes it almost impossible. This feels like a mistake. The people in this room are the guys on my great-grandfather’s list and their families. I’m pretty sure it’s public knowledge that I’m no longer in line to inherit the Archibald fortune so if these people are here, it’s more to gawp at the stupid girl who walked away from billions than any real interest in the purpose of this party.

My parents are in there too, or at least they RSVP’d to say they were coming. They must be expecting me to embarrass myself, or they’ve just come to gloat about my humiliation and ensure everyone knows they’re not actually dead.

When we sent out the invites, we never explained why we were having this ball, just that Carrigan and Tallulah Archibald requested the pleasure of their company and here they all are, waiting for the heir who ruined her life and the spare who no one knew existed to make their grand entrance.

We all pause, and I glance at Carson at my side and then behind me at the other guys. A small, warm hand slides into mine and I inhale sharply and look at my sister. “It’s going to be okay,” she says, trying to reassure me. “We’ll go in, do a couple of laps, we’ll make the announcement that you’re no longer the beneficiary of the will, make sure everyone sees you with Carson, and then we can go upstairs and order ice cream and brownies,” she says.

Nodding I squeeze her hand. “Okay, let’s do this.”

“Baby, I think Carrigan and I should go first, let everyone know that the two of us are united. Everyone knows about us, and it’ll be more impactful if Carson makes it obvious that he and Carrigan are together on stage where everyone can see,” Tally tells her fiancé.

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