Page 36 of The Heir: Part 2

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I wait for Carson to say something, but he stays eerily silent, his jaw clenched, his eyes hard and staring at the wall. “I know I should have fought back—”

“Don’t. Just don’t,” he snarls, snapping his head in my direction so quickly I actually jump. “They fucking tortured you, they made food a weapon. They need to die, I want to fucking kill them, both of them.”

“They’re not worth it,” I whisper, lifting my hands up and cupping his cheeks. “In the end we won, I broke the will and now they don’t get a penny. Let them say what they want, they don’t control me anymore.”

“It’s not the point, they’re evil, fucking evil.”

“I know, but there’s a lot of evil people in the world. We can mess with them, aggravate them and embarrass them. Then we walk away.”

“No, they deserve—” he hisses.

“Yes, they do, but if we spend too much time worrying about them, then they win. I know that getting revenge was my idea, but if we just stop, they’ll leave and we can just get on with our lives. We can grow up and be happy and move on, without them. In the end it’ll just be them and their money growing old, alone and miserable together. The best kind of revenge we can get is to make them insignificant,” I whisper, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

Gradually the tension in his jaw loosens and he kisses me back. “We can’t let it go,” he rasps against my lips. “Not yet.”

“We’ll do all we’ve planned, we’ll mess with them and try to take the company, but if it fails, then we forget them, we pretend they don’t exist. Tally will marry Arlo and she’ll be a Lexington and I might change my name too; I’ll be Carrigan Smith or something, and then the Archibald name won’t be my problem or my legacy, it can die with them.”

“Carrigan Windsor sounds pretty good to me,” Carson purrs, his thumb running over my lower lip.

“Maybe one day,” I smile.

“One day works for me.”



Smiling reassuringly at Priss, I leave her with her sister on the patio and walk out of the room and toward the den where I know the guys are looking for a movie to watch later.

“I want to kill them,” I growl the moment I step foot inside.

“There’s no way we can make it happen without it coming back to us or the girls, I already tried to figure out a way when Freddie beat the shit out of Tally,” Arlo says, his posture rigid and angry as he closes the distance between us and pulls me in for a hug.

His fist slams against my back, and I feel some of the tension that’s coiled inside me like a snake waiting to strike relax.

“Priss wants to walk away, she wants to change her surname and forget they exist, but I can’t do it. She’s mine and I can’t let them get away with this, I just can’t,” I snarl.

“We need to know who inherits the Archibald fortune now Carrigan is out,” Wats says, using Priss’s real name for the first time.

“How can we find that out?” I ask.

“I have no fucking clue, at some point once the beneficiaries are notified it’ll become public record, but till then it’s private and unless we bribe the lawyer, I can’t see how we can find out,” he tells me apologetically.

“Maybe Carrigan is right, maybe the girls should just cut all ties and walk away. I’m not saying that because I think we should back down from their asshole parents, but because Tally and Carrigan have been hurt enough. This article they leaked to the media; it’s fucked up. It’s bad if it’s true…” he trails off, obviously waiting for me to confirm or deny it either way.

“She has some issues with food,” I tell them. “They had her on a nine-hundred-calories a day diet, if she stepped out of line, they’d make her throw up and give her meds to make her even sicker, then they’d starve her for days on end. They’re fucking monsters,” I hiss.

“Jesus,” Watson says, his expression haunted. “And she thinks she’s the evil one,” he mutters.

“I have no fucking idea what we do now,” Arlo says, sighing wearily.

“Me either, but we can’t just stop. Priss has agreed that we should carry on with everything we have planned, that we should try to get as much of the Archibald Inc stock as we can. But if it doesn’t work, she thinks we should just walk away,” I tell them, hating every word as it pours from my mouth.

“She might be right,” Olly says with a shrug.


“I’m not saying we give up completely, but we bide our time, we have the rest of our lives to fuck with them. As much as I want to destroy them now, pissing them off and mildly embarrassing them isn’t going to ruin them,” Olly says, his tone calm and rational.

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