Page 31 of The Heir: Part 2

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The shrill ring of my cell phone drags me from sleep and I grab for it, answering it as my eyes fall shut again. “Hello?”

“Dude, where are you? It’s nearly lunchtime,” Wats asks, his voice far too loud.

“Asleep,” I rasp, smiling as Priss rolls into me, her hair tickling my face.

“You guys need to get over here, there’s photographers at the gate, it’s madness,” he laughs.

“Shit, okay, give us thirty minutes and we’ll be there,” I say, rubbing the sleep from my eyes with my fingers.

“Tell Crueligan to get her devasted game face ready.”

“Yeah, yeah, see you soon,” I growl, ending the call and dropping my cell to the cover as I grab Priss and roll her beneath me, kissing away the sleepy giggles that escape from her lips. “We gotta get up baby.”

“I know, I heard. Do you think Mom and Dad are back from the dead yet?”

Chuckling, I nip at the pulse point on her neck. “I don’t think so, else we’d be going to Arlo’s place not your mom and dad’s house.”

“I need a shower,” she says as she tilts her neck, encouraging me to nuzzle in more.

“You smell like sex and me. I like it,” I growl playfully.

“So basically, I stink,” she smiles.

“But in a really sexy way.” Her laugh is soft and sexy and my dick hardens. “I want you,” I rasp.

“You had me twice when we got back and then again when you woke me up fucking me,” she purrs.

“Best night ever.”

“We need to get up,” she says, pressing a kiss to my lips.

Pulling back, I climb out of bed, holding out my hand for her. Naked and mussed, she takes my hand and I pull her up, grabbing her by the waist and throwing her over my shoulder.

“Carson,” she screams, laughing while I carry her into the shower and make sure that every inch of her beautiful body is squeaky clean.

* * *

Pounding my fist on the car’s horn I slowly push through the crowd of photographers that have gathered at the Archibalds’ front gate, while Priss hides her face in her hands. When the gates have closed behind us, Priss drops her hands and smirks. “Grief stricken enough?” she asks.

“Devastated,” I mock with a wink “But you better keep it up till we’re in the house just in case any of them have telephoto lens.”

Sliding her huge sunglasses over her eyes, she perfects her heartbroken frown as I pull to a stop behind Olly’s car. Killing the engine, I climb out and circle round to her side of the car, pulling her into my body the moment I reach her. “No giggling till we get through the front door,” I say playfully.

“My parents are lost at sea, what is there to giggle about,” she says with faux seriousness.

Olly opens the door when we hit the first step, his expression stoic as he greets Priss with a hug and me with a formal handshake. The moment the door is closed behind me, Olly grins and laughs his hyena laugh. “God Carrigan, you look the picture of the grief-stricken daughter.”

“Thanks,” she says with a grin, kicking off her shoes and padding barefoot toward the kitchen.

Smiling, I watch her go, chuckling softly beneath my breath. Before she broke the will, she would have been in full hair and makeup with a slinky little dress and six-inch heels. Today she’s gorgeous in black skinny jeans and a soft cashmere jumper, her hair loose in soft waves, her makeup edgy. She’s still Carrigan, only she seems more comfortable in her skin than she’s ever been before.

“Did you see all the press?” Olly laughs following after my girl.

“Yeah, what the fuck? How many papers picked up the story?”

“All of them, it’s everywhere, along with the pictures of the girls and speculation over why Carrigan Archibald was being comforted by Carson Windsor.”

Stepping into the kitchen I salute the others who are all sat around the huge kitchen table. “Morning guys.”

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