Page 24 of The Heir: Part 2

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“Eat,” I say nodding to her plate, before reluctantly pulling away from her touch. “Today’s the day we finally get to kill your parents.”

She laughs, loud and bright and fucking happy, and I settle back into my seat watching her while I eat, like the whipped, obsessed motherfucker I am.

The others are waiting for us on the steps when I park my car in the school parking lot. Killing the engine, I climb out, waiting for Priss to get out before I lock it and hold out a hand to my girl. She takes it without thought now, like it’s the most natural thing in the world, and I pull her into me, kissing her temple as we make our way across the lot.

Tally bounces over to us, pulling Priss away from me for a hug, before she presses a soft kiss to my cheek.

“Morning Crueligan,” Watson teases, dropping his arm across her shoulders. “You ready to become an orphan?” he asks playfully.

Shoving him off, she pretends to scowl at him, but her smile wins and she giggles. “Hell yes, I can’t wait.”

Somehow Wats and Priss have become friends and honestly, I have no fucking clue how. He hates her, or he did? I don’t know anymore. I should pin him down and ask him what the fuck is going on, but if my brother and my girl have decided to call a truce that’s awesome, and I don’t want to rock the boat.

“What’s gonna happen today then?” Tally asks.

“The tip already went to the guy I know of at The Elite gossip site. I’m hoping he’ll do a bit of digging, find out that your parents left the country a while back and that they haven’t been seen out and about since. Obviously, we know that they’re laying low after slapgate at the engagement party, but the media won’t. If there’s nothing online by lunchtime then we have the call to the school scheduled and you guys will be photographed rushing out visibly upset, and we’ll let it snowball from there,” Olly answers, his amusement lacing each word. He’s loving all of this, the plotting and planning, he’s the most strategic of all of us, so this orchestrated revenge is his new favourite thing.

“Let’s do this then,” I say, reclaiming my girl and pulling her back to me for a soft kiss.

“I’ve set up alerts for mentions of the Archibald name on your cells, so set them to silent,” Wats says, and I pull my cell out and flick off the tones before putting it back into my pocket. The others all do the same, and then we move as a group to our lockers before splitting up to our respective homerooms.

The vibrations start on my cell about mid-morning and by the time I have a chance to check my alerts just before lunch, there’s thirty-four new Archibald mentions. Clicking into them, I scroll through the highlights and see ten mentions about Vanessa and Frederic Archibald being missing; that the police have been informed and are currently looking into their last known whereabouts.

A smile spreads across my lips as I flick from the gossip site to smaller news outlets. This is perfect, it’s exactly what we planned, and I’d lay money on the fact that by the end of the day the media will be parked outside the school waiting to get a photo of the twins.

Small hands curve over my chest and I look down expecting to see Priss, but instead it’s Amanda Cartwright with her hands all over me. “Hey Carson,” she coos, in what I think she assumes is a sexy voice, but actually just sounds a little nasally.

I open my mouth to tell her to fuck off, but my eyes are drawn to my beautiful, angry looking girl, standing with her equally angry identical twin sister right in front of me.

“I’m sorry Amanda, did you not get the memo that dirty little new money sluts aren’t welcome near my boyfriend,” Priss snarls in her Carrigan voice.

“Bitch, I’m worth more money than you now you’re not getting your granddaddy’s billions,” Amanda hisses, with a sneer, barely glancing over her shoulder.

Strutting over to us, Priss stands at my side, her eyes not even glancing at me as she glares at Amanda. “Carson.”

“Yeah baby,” I say, pushing Amanda away from me and immediately claiming Priss, pulling her into my body and wrapping myself around her.

“You see, Amanda, I might not be worth a fortune anymore, but I chose to walk away from those billions of dollars, because money can’t unburden your soul or save you from yourself. It can’t make you happy, or buy you a person who isn’t remotely interested in you,” she says, flicking her soft eyes up to me for the briefest of seconds, before they harden again as she looks back to the girl in front of us. “But it can buy you a new nose. You should get on that,” she says with a disgusted, imperious sneer as she turns fully in my arms, putting her back to Amanda and dismissing her like she’s the most insignificant thing in the world.

A laugh falls from my lips a second before I kiss her. My girl is a bitch, she’s mean, and elitist, and I fucking love it.

I faintly hear the angry huff Amanda makes, but nothing could pull me away from the girl in my arms in this moment. I’m pretty sure she’s gonna be pissed at me the moment I release her lips, but I don’t care, she publicly claimed me again and my dick is rock hard in my pants.

“Jesus, if they start fucking in the hallway they’re gonna get expelled,” Arlo laugh’s, his voice loud enough to pull my attention from Priss.

Reluctantly I pull back, not releasing my hold on her, as I lift my eyes to my friends and smile. “Hey Bro.”

“Carson,” she hisses, pushing at my chest.

“Calm down, Priss, I didn’t touch her. It’s all you, you know that, you can fucking feel it’s all you.”

She stops pushing at me and her palms press flat against my chest.

“That girl had her hands all over you, Carson, that’s not okay,” Tally says, her voice angry.

“I was just about to tell her to fuck off when you guys showed up. Priss knows I’m only hers, don’t you baby?”

Dropping my eyes down to my girl she nods. Mine, she mouths.

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