Page 18 of The Heir: Part 2

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A shudder runs through her, and I smile against her neck as I press a hot kiss to the pulse point. Lifting her from my lap, I cross to the table laden with food and quickly make plates for both Priss and myself. Handing her the plate I warn her with my eyes to eat, just like I told her to do. She only pauses for a minute, exhaling slowly, then her eyes find mine and she mouths, “Thank you,” before lifting the sandwich to her lips and taking a small bite.

My chest fills with want and need and fucking love, and I have no idea what the hell I’m supposed to do so that everything I’m feeling doesn’t explode from my chest and cover us all in sparkling fucking glee. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before. I love my family; I love my friends that are more like brothers and Tally who feels like my sister. But what I feel for Priss when she looks at me like I’m the only thing that’s saving her from herself, that’s so much more than I even thought I was capable of feeling.

A part of me wonders if it is just a carnal urge, her desire to have someone take control calling to my need to be in charge, but it feels like more than that. I like when she denies me just as much as when she complies. She’s not meek or submissive, she’s by far the most complicated women I’ve ever met and she’s fucking ensnared me.

When Arlo said that everything he had was Tally’s too, I got it; and I feel the same way. Even after only a couple of weeks I’d give Priss everything I have, I’m just not sure she feels the same way, or if she ever will.

We stay at Arlo’s for a few more hours, until we have the plans fixed in place on how and who to leak the story about the Archibalds to. When it’s time to leave, Tally launches herself at Priss, pulling her in for a tight hug and startling her.

A low chuckle falls from my lips as Priss stands there frozen for a minute, completely unsure what to do with her sister’s affection. Then she slowly brings her arms up and hugs her back. Tally’s smile is so wide I swear her face might crack and when she finally releases her sister, she tumbles into Arlo’s arms, so brimming with happiness it seems like it’s pouring from her in waves.

“Come on, baby, let’s go home,” I laugh, pulling Priss to me and entwining my fingers with hers. “We’ll see you at school in the morning, make our grand entrance again,” I say, rolling my eyes in amusement.

“Yeah, yeah, you love it really,” Olly says.

“Yep, I’m hiring a wind machine and a DJ to play our theme song,” I snark back playfully, as I pull Priss from the room. She’s quiet as we drive back to The Escape, but her energy doesn’t feel frenetic or anxious, she’s just still and internalized.

I could push her to talk, but I want her to feel free and comfortable to tell me how she’s feeling without being pressured into it. I want her to want to talk to me, to rely on me. Fuck, I sound like a needy fucker, but with her I feel needy. For the first time I want something deeper than just a physical connection. I’m only eighteen, but it’s not unusual in our world to marry young, especially if you find your person.

Pulling into the parking lot at the marina I kill the car’s engine and silently climb out, shutting my door behind me and waiting for Priss to join me. She takes my hand when I reach for her and I silently squeeze her fingers, loving how thoughtlessly she connected herself to me.

She’s so fucking beautiful. Tally is gorgeous, but Priss has a darkness to her that her sister doesn’t. She’s not pure innocence, she lives in the shadows that lurk ominously between good and bad, and something about that makes her imminently more sexy to me. The urge to strip her free of her clothes, and gorge myself on her body and naturally submissive sexual nature, pushes itself to the surface, taunting me like the devil on my shoulder, to take her, to own her. But I fight it, because even thought I want her in this minute almost as much as I want to breathe, I want her permanence in my life even more.

How the fuck she’s changed everything in such a short amount of time I have no idea, but it feels like all of my thoughts now revolve around her, my center, my axis.

* * *

Waking up curled around her naked body is fucking awesome. She’s a peaceful sleeper, she hardly even moves, and apart from rolling from lying on my chest to curled up with her back pressed against my front, she hasn’t left my embrace all night.

A part of me is still expecting her to run, for me to wake up and find her gone, the cold sheets that smell of her the only thing left. Only here she is, for the second morning, her mussed hair spread across my pillow, her round fucking perfect ass pressed up against my rock-hard dick. Sighing happily, I pull her a little tighter into me and press a kiss to her shoulder.

“Hmm,” she sighs sleepily.

“Morning baby,” I whisper.

“Do we really have to go to school today? We could just stay here all day,” she says, slowly wiggling her ass against my hard dick.

Laughing, I slide my palm up her ribs and gently cup her breast, pinching her nipple softly between my thumb and forefinger. “I’d love to spend the day naked in bed with you, but not today.”

“Why not?” she moans breathily, arching her back and pushing her breast further into my touch.

“You know why, we have groundwork to do before we leak the story about your egg and sperm donors,” I rasp, my dick so hard all it would take is a grind of my hips and I could be inside her.

“I want you,” she begs.

Clenching my eyes tightly shut, I jam my teeth down onto my bottom lip, hoping that the bite of pain will distract me from her, but it doesn’t. Parting her legs slightly she rolls forward a little and my dick slides toward her sex, feeling the wetness of her arousal as I press up against her opening.

“Fuck me, Carson. Please,” she begs.

I want to. Fuck, I want to so bad, but I can’t, so instead I slide my hand free of her breast and curl it over the swell of her ass, pushing her top leg up, opening her wider as I part her folds and slide two fingers deep inside of her.

Gasping, her fingers grasp the comforter as I pump slowly in and out of her pussy, loving how her muscles instantly clamp down, trying to keep me inside of her.

“So tight,” I praise, urging her to arch forward a little as I find her g-spot and rub it, my dick twitching when a gush of her arousal slides down my hand.

“I want your dick, I want you to fuck me,” she pants, her chest heaving up and down.

“You get what I give you, Priss, and I want to finger fuck you until you scream,” I rasp against her ear, as I add a third finger and fill her, parting her ass cheeks with my free hand and rubbing my thumb over her asshole.

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