Page 30 of The Heir: Part 1

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Anger bubbles up my throat so hot I can feel it burning as Carrigan brushes past me and walks away. I have to fight the urge not to reach for her and drag her back to me, demand she apologize to her sister, demand she be the girl she was with me, not the harpy we all expect of her.

But right now making sure my friend is okay is more important and so I focus all of my attention on Tally. “Are you okay?” I ask, watching as Arlo pulls her into him, wrapping his arms around her tightly.

“I’m fine. I should have known better than to expect her to have changed because of this. I just sort of hoped she would,” she admits quietly.

“She’s a bitch,” Arlo hisses angrily.

“Maybe the reality of what’s happened has hit her now she’s back at school,” Olly says, but it’s pretty obvious he doesn’t believe what he’s saying.

“Let’s go get some lunch, they have the gnocchi you love on today,” Arlo coaxes, pressing a kiss to Tally’s forehead and leading her toward the lunchroom while the rest of us follow.

I make a point not to look for Carrigan when we enter the cafeteria as a group, I’m angry and if I see her, I’m not sure I’ll be able to hold my tongue, so instead I focus on my friends. We sit at the table we always sit at, and Olly places all of our food orders while we chat shit and wait for it to be delivered.

Tally is to my right, her blazer hanging over the back of her seat. My eyes catch on the small inside pocket and before I can stop myself, I’m leaning forward and sliding the old key that’s hidden in there free from the fabric and concealing it in my hands.

The first time Arlo saw Tally she was sneaking out of the old disused dark room. She used it as a place to hide from her sister, and the rest of the school when none of us had any idea she even existed.

I haven’t really thought about that room since the day I stood guard outside of it, after Arlo proposed to Tally publicly in front of half the school. I don’t think she’s been inside the room since. Arlo forced her to stop hiding that day and since the first confrontation with her parents, we’ve made it our mission to make sure everyone at St Augustus knows who she is.

Dropping the key into my pants pocket, I pull my cell out and type a message before I can stop myself.

Me – We need to talk. Meet me by the lockers in two minutes.

Expecting her to ignore me, I lift my head and scan the room for her, finding her at her usual table, only instead of surrounded by minions like she’s always been in the past, she’s alone.

I watch her read the text, then turn to look at me, her expression shuttered. Smug satisfaction fills me as I watch her slide her cell into her purse, take a forkful of her food, then push away from the table, grab her stuff, and leave.

“I’ll be back in a bit, I forgot something in my car,” I say absently, as I rise from the table and slowly leave the room. Priss is stood by our lockers, her posture relaxed and confident like she hasn’t got a care in the world.

When I reach her side, I allow my gaze to lock with hers, I let my eyes harden and enjoy the visible swallow she has in reaction. Tipping my head in the direction of the dark room I walk past her, not looking back.

She can’t see my smile when I hear her move to follow me, but a sense of power rushes through me at her willingness to still do as I say. It only takes a couple of minutes to reach the door to the dark room and I take the key from my pocket, checking that no one is watching as I unlock the door and gesture for Carrigan to go inside.

Following her in I close and lock the door behind me, only then realizing that I have no idea why I’m here, why I told her I needed to talk to her, or why I wanted her alone in this room with me.

“What?” she snaps after what feels like an eternally long silence.

“You upset your sister.”

“Are you serious? You bought me to this dusty, empty room so you could tell me off for upsetting my sister,” she hisses, rolling her eyes, annoyance pouring from her in waves.

“You’re being a bitch Priss,” I snarl, taking a step closer to her. I’m stalling, because I still don’t know why I bought her here. All I know is that I wanted to be near her, that I want to touch her.

“So I’m told,” she says sardonically, crossing her arms over her chest and popping her hip, her lips pursed together.

“You never replied to my message,” I say, closing the distance between us with another step.

Her shoulders tense perceptively and her arms seem to cross a little tighter. For a moment I wonder if she’s scared. I’ve never hurt her, never done anything without her being right there with me, loving it as much as I was.

I watch as her tongue bobs out, coating her lips in shiny wetness. Her mouth is full and pouty but I’ve never kissed her. It felt too intimate, which is ironic considering I’ve tasted her pussy. The other morning I never even considered pressing my lips to hers, but right now I’m so tempted. I’m tempted to close the final gap between us and take her mouth, own it like I own the rest of her.

“Why are you doing this?” she whispers.

“What am I doing?” I ask, smiling as I reach out and run the back of my knuckles over the apple of her cheek.

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