Page 26 of The Heir: Part 1

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She’s not here. I think I knew she wouldn’t come, but I’m still bothered. I don’t like Carrigan, I never have. But what happened, that’s not something I can just forget. Maybe it’s guilt, or some misplaced sense of comradery, but whatever it is, I can’t just pretend like it didn’t happen.

I only caught a glimpse of her at the party, barely a passing glance before she was gone with nothing but my friend’s elation left in her wake. Priss did it, she broke the will, freed both her and her sister and confronted her parents. Then she just walked away, disappeared. She didn’t even wait long enough to celebrate their freedom like Tally wanted her to.

Tally is beside herself, terrified that their parents have Carrigan, that they’ll want revenge, but I’m pretty sure Priss is just holed up somewhere licking her wounds. I have her cell number now, it’s saved in my contacts, teasing me, but I haven’t dialed it or even sent her a text, because I already know she’ll ignore me.

Her absence shouldn’t affect me. We weren’t friends before we fucked, we aren’t friends now, but there’s something between us that I’m not ready to forget. She’s haunting me. My dick gets hard the moment her name is mentioned, and I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve watched and re-watched the video of the two of us together since she got into that cab and drove away from me.

I’m not sure if my pride’s hurt that she could run out on me without even a backward glance, or if I’m just not done with her yet, but either way, I need to see her and she’s not here.

“Where is she?” Tally asks, her eyes wide and full of worry.

“She’ll be fine, she’s probably just taking a couple of days to get her head around everything that’s happened,” Arlo tells her, pulling her into him to soothe her.

“What did happen?” Tally asks, turning her attention to me.

“She broke the will,” I say casually. The others want to know what I did to help Carrigan, but for some inexplicable reason it feels wrong to tell them that we had sex. I’m pretty sure they all know we did, but unless Priss admits it, I don’t plan to confirm it.

“Have you spoken to her?” Tally asks me for the fifth time already this morning.

“If I had, I’d tell you,” I assure her, leaning down and pressing a kiss against her cheek before I shoulder my bag and head for my first class with Olly at my side.

“You fucked her, didn’t you?” he asks, a grin spread wide across his face.

Forcing a neutral expression onto my face I sigh. “Look the will’s broken and the girls are free of it, that’s all that matters. Hopefully Carrigan will turn up soon and Tally can stop freaking out.”

Olly’s grin doesn’t lessen as he shakes his head wryly. “Yeah, yeah, you keep it to yourself. I bet she wasn’t such a cold bitch when she was riding your dick.”

I swallow down the angry words on my tongue, even though the need to defend Priss burns inside of me. This makes no sense; it was just hot sex, so why am I suddenly team Carrigan? Why am I worried about her, turned on and wanting to fuck her again, consumed by thoughts of her?

Distracted I don’t pay attention in class, not that it matters, I could stop turning up altogether and still graduate. One of the joys of being rich, is that you never really have to worry about getting in to your parents alma mata and I received my acceptance letter to Cornel in the post a few weeks ago.

From my seat in the back row I have the perfect view of the entire class, Mr. Harrington has his back to us, writing something on the board, as he excitedly tries to explain some historical event that I can guarantee not a single person in this room gives a fuck about. Unable to resist, I slide my cell from my blazer pocket and open my text app, typing out a message to Carrigan before I can think better of it.

Me – Where are you Priss?

I stare at the screen for a minute like I can will her to reply, but just like I expected, I get nothing. When the bell rings for lunch I’m really fucking pissed. She was so compliant, so obedient the other day. I told her when I asked her a question I expect her to reply, but now she’s ghosting me.

My annoyance only builds during the rest of the day and by the time I’m heading for my Mercedes I’m seething.

“You coming to ours?” Arlo asks, his fingers entwined with Tally’s.

“Nah, I’ve got a video chat with the folks,” I say.

Arlo and Tally finally admitted their feelings for each other just before their engagement party and I’m happy for them, but there’s only so much of their blissfully in love company I can take. I genuinely love them both, but I’m at the limit of how much PDA I can watch.

Tally’s eyes soften a little as she looks at me. “Where are your parents?”

“Dubai I think, I can’t really remember, I’m surprised they were here as long as they were this time. They just can’t stand staying in one place and Grant is almost as bad.”

“You don’t want to see Dubai?” she asks, a little wistfully.

“I’ve been a few times, we have a house there.”

“Oh,” she says with a giggle. “So you’re living in that big house of yours all alone?”

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