Page 62 of Beautiful Liar

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The pain in my chest eases. “Good. Girls, go to the safe room just like we practiced. Harper will be okay.”

The line cuts out. “Sadie!” I yell. “Fuck!”

“Why the fuck are you bellowing?” Van asks as he steps out of the other room. Cian is in there torturing the asshole who owes us a fuck ton of money but thinks he doesn’t have to pay. Normally, we send someone else to do the job, but this guy evaded them for weeks.

“The house went into lockdown.”

Van takes his phone out of his pocket. “Fuck, are Harper and the girls okay?”

I run my hand through my hair. “I don’t know, but we need to go. Shit, if I didn’t know better, I would have sworn I heard Sam’s voice.”

I watch as all the color drains from Van’s face.

“You killed her, right?”

He shakes his head, and I shoulder-check him hard as I barge past him and into the room. “It’s this asshole’s lucky day—we have to go. Harper and the girls are in trouble because Van is incapable of following through with a fucking kill.”

Cian brings the knife to the man’s throat and slides the blade across it.

Ronan and Cian are firing off questions as we sprint out of the building, ones I don’t have answers to. “Just get in the fucking car!” I shout.

By the time Cian finishes closing his door, I have turned the car over and thrown it into reverse. We are at least half an hour away, and that’s if I break a lot of road rules.

I vaguely hear Ronan talking on the phone. My foot presses against the accelerator—I need to get to my girls. If something happens to them, I don’t know what I will do. Van sits quietly in the back and I’m grateful. The option of killing him is on the table; he put my daughters’ lives at risk and that of our woman. That shit doesn’t sit right with me. Why the fuck would he spare Sam’s life after all the crap she put him through?

“Harper is tough—she’ll keep the girls safe,” Cian tries to reassure me, but it does nothing to relieve any of my stress and worry.

I never imagined I could care about anyone more than I do myself, or the men in this car. But now, I would die for those three girls, and I would single-handedly put a bullet in my best friend’s brain if it were a choice between them or him.

My palms sweat as I weave in and out of traffic, and somewhere around the halfway mark a cop car comes flying up behind me, lights and sirens blaring.

“Fuck, should we pull over?” Cian says. Then he laughs, but it has no conviction behind it. “Nah, let’s see if you can outrun them. Let’s go.”

“Take a sharp left up ahead. If you keep going straight down here, you will have more cops blocking the road,” Van says, and as much as I hate him right now, he is right.

I take a sharp left, cutting across traffic. Luckily the road between the two buildings is clear, and it brings me out near the bridge. If I can make it there before the cops block it off, we are smooth sailing.

A cop car pulls up, and I swerve around it, once again weaving in and out of traffic, but the cop stays on my ass.

My heart pounds harder the closer we get to the house. Plumes of smoke catch my eye and my heart leaps into my throat; the guys don’t say anything, but I know they can see it too. We drive in silence, only broken by the sirens of the police car following us. When we pull into the street, we find the gate already smashed apart, so we fly right past. I drift sideways into our driveway through our personal gate, which is also lying mangled on the roadway. A fire engine is out the front, and firefighters are battling the blaze from the outside. The second the car stops, we all jump out and race forward.

“Whose house is this?” a firefighter asks.

“Mine,” Ronan says.

“My men can’t get inside.”

No shit. When the alarms are activated and the house thinks it is under attack, it automatically shuts everything down, and the windows are fucking bulletproof.

“No, you can’t,” Ronan says. “The only way is from inside the fucking house. Shit.”

“We’ll do what we can,” he says.

The cops have joined us now, and thankfully they haven’t put us in cuffs.

“Thank god you’re here,” Celia simpers as she approaches. “I came past to drop off those contracts and there was smoke everywhere.”

“Holy shit, is that Harper? HARPER!”

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