Page 45 of Beautiful Liar

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“Are you okay?” I ask as I get up from my chair.

“I will be—it’s been a shit day. Cops, family stabbing me in the back, hookers, and death. I sent the others home, but I needed to see you.”

“I’m glad you did,” I say, straddling his lap. His hands go straight to my ass and pull me into his body. “I need to ask you something and I will only ask one time. It’s best we get it out and done with while you are already having a shit day.”

“You can ask me anything, anytime,” he says.

“Are you laundering money through The Range? Because I can’t be involved in that type of shit.”

Ronan smiles at me, and I hate when he and Cian do that—their teeth are stupid straight and so white it’s not natural.

“No, I do not launder money through any of the businesses I own or once owned. That would be stupid. I outsource it,” he says with a wink.

“Good, because the fucking cops tried to make it seem like that’s the only reason you would have given me The Range.”

Ronan shakes his head and stands abruptly. He spins me around so I am lying on my back on the sofa, and he is between my legs, his chin resting on my pubic bone.

“First, I didn’t give you The Range. You are paying it off because you are stubborn and don’t like handouts. Second, you need to be prepared. They will do whatever they can to get in your head. Third, do not be surprised if they randomly show up at the places you frequent and try to be friendly. If it happens, it is fine to engage in conversation, but be aware they are not your friends and never will be.”

I nod. “Will it be like this forever?”

Ronan pulls the top of my shorts down a little and presses a kiss to my skin. “Depends . . . are you planning on giving us a son?”

I choke on my spit. “What sort of question is that, Ronan? I don’t even know if I want kids, and if I did, there is no way my son would be in the fucking Mafia.”

He snorts after I say Mafia and goes back to kissing a path down to my core, but I don’t lift my ass so he can’t remove my thong—yet.

“I’m being serious. You can’t honestly tell me you would want your life for a child.”

He looks at me as he licks his way back up. “Maybe not, especially as a child, but this is my life, Harper. It’s all I’ve known.”

I push him up so we are seated on the sofa, and he doesn’t fight me as I stand, then straighten my clothes. “This could be a deal breaker for me,” I say, putting space between us so he can’t tempt me with his sinful tongue.

“Harper, come back over here so I can eat your pussy, please.”

“No, I might not want kids, but how can I start something knowing you do? And you want your Mini-Me to follow in your footsteps? You have killed people.”

“So have you,” he throws back, and my stomach twists into knots. I turn back and level him with an icy glare.

“That’s not fair. What I did was self-defense.”

“And everyone I have killed, there has been a reason. Everyone who works with me has a choice. I don’t force them, and they know the consequences if they fuck up. This is my life, Harper, you knew that.”

“I wasn’t exactly given a chance,” I yell. “You stole me from Jordyn’s house.”

He laughs. “Oh, you mean from the Italian Mafia?”

I hear the sarcasm when he says Mafia, and I roll my eyes at him. “This is not a joke to me, Ronan. I won’t bring kids into this world. If it’s a deal breaker, you can walk your fine ass right out the door.”

Ronan stands from the sofa. “No kids at all?” he says, and I shake my head as he takes a step toward me. “Cian might have an issue with that.”

I shrug. “He can fuck right off.”

He gets closer, and I step backward until my back hits the door. “Can I tell you a secret?” he asks, and I nod as he steps in front of me. His hands come down on either side of my head. “I fucking hate kids—I was only joking. I don’t want children, but I would love to practice, over and over again. Though Cian might really have an issue.”

“Well, fuck Cian,” I say.

“Or don’t fuck him. Who cares what happens when I retire? Someone else can take over. If I had a child, they would be first in line, but since I don’t want any, it probably means Darragh’s girls?—”

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