Page 41 of Beautiful Liar

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“This one,” she says, removing the knife and holding the blood-soaked tip to Connor’s chin. “He has also been feeding the cops information. Nothing major, but enough to have them looking in places they shouldn’t. Your guns, the stash house, the bar, so I removed the evidence. You’re welcome, by the way. It’s just a shame the girl made it out—she’s a liability.”

“All of that was you?” I ask. “Why wouldn’t you tell me?”

Her manic laughter rings through the foyer. “No offense, but you couldn’t keep my father safe, so I wouldn’t trust you with my own life. I followed their moves, every single one. And I had to fuck that cop one too many times to get this all set up, so a thank you would be nice.”

“There is a problem with your plan,” Van says, and Nora looks at him with a raised brow. “If they die now, where do you think the cops are going to look first?”

“That’s easy, and it’s why good old Connor doesn’t have a scratch on him. Unfortunately, I will have to kill the hooker, but we are about to move things over to Liam’s. It all makes sense, really.”

“And why the fuck would I kill my best friend of forty years?” Connor snaps. I hadn’t realized he wasn’t gagged like Liam.

“Oh, that’s the straightforward part,” she says, getting down on Connor’s level and resting her hands on his knees. “You did a great job of keeping your private life separate from this life, but Liam found out. He must have, otherwise the coincidence is too delicious. The hooker upstairs is someone you know well, and to think I found her at your best friend’s house, dressed like the whore she is and laid out in his bed.” Connor’s eyes go wide. “Did you ever tell them your ex-wife is a cop? She had a daughter when you got married, didn’t she? Though she’s technically not yours, I still don’t think you would want your best friend fucking your ex-wife’s daughter.”

With a single shot to the head, Connor is gone and Cian steps forward. “Your dramatics are a little much. Let’s wake this motherfucker up and get on with it.”

Nora pouts. “You always ruin my fun.”

“Go and fucking shower, and bag your underwear when you’re done. Thanks to you, I need the clean-up crew in here before the cops come looking for Liam,” I chastise her. She always has been a big pain in the ass.

“Fine, but they won’t look at you. It’s the reason I had you all arrested, so you and your cock warmer were not suspects. Though now that the number one suspect is dead, I wouldn’t draw this out too long in case they ask questions.”

Nora moves down the hall to our laundry room, which has a shower for times like this.

Liam stirs and Cian steps forward further. “Wakey, wakey, Uncle. Today is the day you will meet your maker.”

“Cian, thank god, the bitch has gone crazy,” he mumbles from underneath his gag.

I laugh, and Liam looks over at me as I step onto the tarp. “Nora is certifiably crazy, but the problem is she found you at a safe house. Were you going to testify against me, your own nephew? Tut-tut, Uncle, you should know well enough by now everything I do cannot be traced back to me. Do you think my father taught me nothing? But don’t worry, we’ll make this quick—it’s the least we can do for family,” I say, squatting down in front of him and lowering his gag. “Just tell me what you told them.”

“I won’t tell you a fucking thing,” he spits.

I smile up at him as I dig my thumb into the open wound on his leg—fuck, I hate blood. “Have a change of mind?”

His scream slices at my eardrums, ending in a manic laugh. “They know everything.”

“Fuck,” Darragh says from behind me. “I can’t go to jail right now.”

Cian scoffs. “We’re not going to jail, dumbass. That’s why our lawyer is a shark. He has fall guys ready at a moment’s notice.”

I smile up at Liam. “Sometimes we don’t play all the cards. People need money and they will serve time for it. Would you believe we no longer clean our own money?”

Liam now laughs. “That might be so, but you still have the stash house and the docks. How long do you think it is before they raid them, especially once they realize I’m missing?”

Pushing up to my feet, I reply, “Just long enough for me to do something about it.”

The docks are no problem, as we have a protocol in place in the event of a raid—each of the six families does. Now is the time to implement it. We have other ways to bring in product, or hide it. And whatever the families bring in, I get paid.

“You three can have at him. I have to make a call.”

I leave them to deal with Liam, knowing he won’t be breathing by the time they are done. My own blood wanted to turn his back on me.

I dial Venom, and he picks up on the first ring. “I hope this is fucking important,” he snaps.

“We need to call a meeting, organize it for today. I don’t give a fuck if it’s short notice, it’s that or the Feds will start making arrests.”

“Fuck! On it,” he says, ending the call. He will text with a time.

Next, I text the stash house phone. There’s a protocol in place to move the money if there is heat on us and now is the time. By the time I get back inside, Liam is dead, and he and Connor are lying side by side.

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