Page 37 of Beautiful Liar

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“You’re the one who’s been avoiding me, so I thought you regretted what happened. I won’t fuck up our friendship.”

“Me choking on your cock won’t ruin our friendship, but you sticking your cock in Harper’s ass might ruin yours and Van’s. He seemed pissed.”

Darragh laughs. “He’ll get over it. Harper is a grown-ass woman and can do what she likes. She doesn’t need his permission and neither do I.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if he kills you and Ronan in your sleep. He is struggling after the Sam shit, especially after they went to bury her body last night.”

After Van took Harper home, Ronan had Sam moved to a place we call The Basement. It’s where he takes people and has them tortured if they need a little longer to interrogate than Grinder will allow. He likes to kill, so one day in his shop is as long as people last before they become fertilizer.

“That explains his mood this morning. I didn’t realize he would want to bury her. If I were him, I would have killed her and let Grinder turn her into plant food. Did they get her to talk?”

I shrug. “Honestly, I don’t know. I expect Ronan will call a meeting tonight while Harper is at work.”

Like he was summoned, Ronan walks through the door and looks down at the bed. “Fuck, he likes them young. I hope she is legal—this is the last thing we need right now. Darragh, call Iris and see if the girls can stay with her for the night since we have a houseguest. Nora is going to wait here for Connor and our tech guy. They’ll see if it’s possible to pull up his home security and track his car through traffic cameras. We will head to his house to make sure nothing is out of the ordinary. I was going to tell you tonight about the information we got from Sam, and Liam was the name we got from her.”

“Fuck, if Liam is involved, that means?—”

Darragh cuts me off. “Connor is probably involved. Nora can handle him, if need be, and he doesn’t know we suspect anything.”

Ronan makes us all drive in one car to Liam’s, including Kayne. It makes absolutely no fucking sense; the guy was hired to protect Ronan, so Darragh and I would be as good as dead in an ambush.

Liam lives ten minutes from our house, so fuck knows what Nora did for it to take her an hour this morning. She probably had way too much fun interrogating the poor prostitute.

His front door is unlocked—of course my cousin didn’t bother securing the place before she left. Darragh, Kayne, Ronan, and I have our guns ready, and we each take a section of the house.

I get upstairs to the main bedroom, which reeks of cigarettes and cheap pussy. Why the fuck is he sleeping with low-class hookers? It makes no sense when he can afford the top shelf. The level is clear, and nothing looks out of place, plus we know he left here willingly. So I pull my phone out and dial Aunt Quinn. If anyone knows the gossip, it’s her.

“Cian, how much bail money do you need?” she says as she answers.

Aunt Quinn is my mother’s half-sister. There are a few illegitimate children in the family, and it’s the downside to money; occasionally the staff would pop out a mini-O’Brien, hoping it would give them a step up in the world. Oh, how wrong they were.

“No bail money needed, but have you heard from Liam in the last few days? He isn’t answering my calls.”

Did I mention Quinn hates Liam as well?

“That man is a snake, and I have been telling your mother for years to watch her back with him. I hope he got himself killed—it would serve him right. Last I heard, he was selling your shit to some guy down at that pawn shop off Porters Road. You know the one with the stupid yellow cow out the front? Kiki, the lady who does my hair, saw him in there two days ago, and he was having an animated conversation with the slimeball who owns the place. I’m pretty sure it’s in the Aces Crew territory. I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a deal gone wrong or the Aces Crew got sick of him selling on their turf and made him vanish.”

“Thanks, Quinn. We need to catch up soon.”

She says she will stop by one day soon, and we end the call. She won’t, and neither will I. Quinn is a few crayons short of a box with all her conspiracy theories.

I walk back down the stairs to the others waiting in the foyer.

“Find anything?” Ronan asks, and I shake my head.

“But I called Aunt Quinn—you know how the woman loves to gossip. Were you aware that Liam has been dealing with Shifty down at the pawnshop?”

“Maybe Sam was telling the truth when she said Liam stole my product,” Ronan muses as he pulls his phone out of his pocket and pushes some buttons before lifting it to his ear. “Lyric, I’m giving you a heads-up that I’m going to pay Shifty a visit . . . Yeah, he was involved in something with my uncle, and I want to know what exactly . . . No backup needed, just give your guys a heads-up we are coming through, would you? We don’t want any casualties. Thanks.” Ronan ends the call. “Let’s go pay a slimeball a visit and see what Liam has been up to.”

Rubbing my hands together, excitement flares in my gut. Today we get to play, and I can’t wait.

Sullivan is in a foul mood, and he has been sitting on the sofa in my office for the last hour, typing away on his phone with a scowl on his face.

“If you don’t want to be here, you can leave. The place is secure—we have men with guns in every nook and cranny.”

He looks up from his phone and blinks at me. “Huh?”

I cross the room and straddle his waist. “I said you can leave if you want to. I don’t need a babysitter.”

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