Page 28 of Beautiful Liar

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Jordyn scoffs. “I’ve heard that before.”

“Dolly, his best friend dragged me back by my hair when I tried to run again. You have nothing to worry about—I promise I’m not going anywhere. The new and improved Harper is here to stay.”

“Good, I love you, Harps. Let’s catch up soon.”

“I love you too. I’ll see what I can do.”

We end our call as I pull into the parking lot behind the butcher’s shop. Ronan’s car is here, but I thought he said he was going to meet someone about the bar.

“Motherfucker,” Cian snaps. “Since when does he lie to us?”

Sullivan jumps from the car as Cian and I open our doors at the same time. With his head start, he has already disappeared through the back entrance before I reach it, but as I step through, I find Sullivan frozen just inside the cold room door. I study his face, and it has morphed into something which sends shivers down my spine. I have never seen him like this. Sullivan has never scared me before, but right now, the man I know isn’t there.

“Oh shit,” Cian says, followed by a nervous laugh.

Ronan is silently staring at Sullivan when Darragh walks in with Tim over his shoulder, causing Ronan to snap out of it, and shake his head.

“Why the fuck is he here?”

“Why the fuck is my ex-girlfriend hanging from the fucking ceiling?” Sullivan snaps, and that is when I notice a woman strung up and hanging from the beam next to a dead cow carcass.

The woman laughs, and I immediately want to hurt her. “It’s a funny story. Did you want to tell him, Ronan, or should I?”

Stepping up beside Sullivan, I place my hand on his arm, but he shrugs me off. I can’t say it doesn’t sting, because it does. The bitch ex who took all of Sullivan’s money and ran laughs again.

“Oh, the cold shoulder, honey. It sucks when he does it to you after he’s built you up to be the most important person in his world. I guess it’s time I tell him why I really left.”

“Open your fucking mouth and I will fucking kill you,” Ronan snaps.

“Someone better tell me what is going on!” Sullivan yells.

Cian links his hand in mine, and Darragh places himself halfway between Ronan and Sullivan. Ronan runs his hand through his hair.

“Fuck it,” Ronan snaps. In the time I take to blink, he has his gun pointed at her, and my heart hammers inside my chest. I dislodge my hand from Cian’s and run in front of the bitch. I hate her with every fiber of my being for what she did to Sullivan, but he loved her. If Ronan pulls the trigger right now, it could end their friendship.

“Don’t even think about it, Ronan O’Brien. You put your big boy pants on and start talking. This bitch already caused everyone enough issues, so why let her come between you again?”

“Jesus fucking Christ,” Darragh says. “The whore protecting the gold digger—isn’t this a turn of events?”

I turn my gaze to him. If only looks could kill. “You shut your mouth, jackass. I’m not protecting her, I’m protecting Sullivan. He loved her, and what went down between them is their business, not yours. Now, Ronan, are you going to talk, or is she? Unless you plan to kill us both? If so, it was nice knowing you all, except Darragh. I could have died not knowing him and it all would have been peachy.”

Ronan lowers his weapon. “Fuck! Fine, I paid the bitch to leave. I honestly thought if she loved Van, she wouldn’t accept the money.”

I make eye contact with Sullivan, and the look on his face shatters my heart. He crosses the room, his steps mirroring the thud of my heartbeat, and he stops in front of me.

“I’m so fucking sorry,” he says, placing his forehead against mine. His hands grab my ass, and he pulls me up so I can wrap my legs around his waist. He turns sideways.

“How much?” Sullivan snaps, looking at the bitch who broke his heart. “How much was it worth to walk away from what we had?”

“Does it matter?” she whispers. “I just wanted to say I was sorry. I made so many stupid mistakes.”

“I’m not sorry.” He sighs. “I have the right girl now.” Sullivan turns to Ronan. “Kill her, bury her, or do whatever the fuck you want. I’m taking Harper home.”

He doesn’t wait for Ronan to respond; instead, he turns his back to him and walks us out of the butcher shop. The freaky guy who runs the place is standing by the door, and he gives me a small finger wave as we pass. I bury my face in the crook of Sullivan’s neck and inhale.

He places me into the passenger seat of my brand-new car and slips into the driver’s seat, grabbing the keys from the center console where I stupidly left them. Remaining silent as he reverses out, his hand finds my thigh, and that is how we drive the rest of the way home.

Home—never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would call the O’Brien house home, but I guess it is now. It’s funny how things can change so quickly. I was so dead set on leaving behind the old me that I didn’t realize the new me could be found with these men. They are not part of who I was in the past; that girl was created from the choices made by my mother. No, these guys are part of my future, and the life I want to build for myself. Running won’t solve any of my problems, and let’s face it, I can find better reasons to run. Especially when I tell them to come and find me.

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