Page 22 of Beautiful Liar

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Well that’s fucked up. What time does this girl get up in the morning? She travels from Huntersville to the house—walking in the dark if she has to—then after her morning shift, she crosses the bridge to a whole new level of wealthy to catch the bus back to Huntersville. The mansions on our side of the bridge are fuck-off big, but you have seen nothing until you glimpse what’s over there.

Once we cross the bridge and join the line to drop the girls off, I realize the O’Briens’ wealth doesn’t even begin to compare. Children are being dropped off by their personal drivers, in cars I could never imagine being able to stand next to, let alone afford.

The girls go off happily, and as we pull up to the curb at Reid’s school—our security still behind us—I take a deep breath and turn to Cian. “How much will Darragh kill me if I give Reid the car?” Before he can answer, I turn to Reid. “Do you have your driver’s license on you?”

Reid grabs her backpack and pulls it onto her lap, producing her license from her wallet.

“And you realize if you do anything stupid with the car, especially with the girls inside, Darragh is unhinged?”

Reid smiles. “I know who he is, but I am a safe driver and the girls’ security is up my ass every time I’m with them, so I’m sure she will report back to the boss man.”

“It’s your call,” Cian says. “I can tell him I gave her the car. However, after seeing that line at drop off, know that I’m having a word with him anyway, as no nieces of mine will be known as the poor children. We need to get something flashy which says: ‘Fuck your money! We’re the O’Briens and you better watch your back.’”

It’s settled, Reid will take the car today and Callum can drive us to The Range. If I’m being honest, I’m a little excited to tell Darragh; annoying him is slowly becoming my favorite pastime.

Callum pulls up at The Range and parks behind Ronan’s Jeep. My anxiety has risen as we have drawn closer and it’s hard to breathe. How can I walk back in there after what happened to me behind those doors? Cian comes up beside me and interlaces his hand with mine, giving it a little squeeze.

“Sweetheart, if it’s too hard, we don’t have to go in.”

Taking a deep breath, I stare at the brand-new pink neon sign.

“I have to go in, otherwise I let them win. Cian, I need to take back control. I want my life back. I miss being touched—my love language is fucking.”

Cian chuckles. “I feel like I should get down on one knee right now, since our love languages are identical.”

“You’re lucky you have a pretty face, Cian O’Brien.”

“You think I’m pretty?” he says with a wide grin which might crack his face in half.

I shake my head. “Of course I do. I’m pretty sure there isn’t a woman alive who doesn’t think you are pretty.”

Finding my courage, I take a step toward the entrance, then another. But when we get to the door and Cian pulls it open, I momentarily stumble. The old grandmotherly feeling of the entrance has been replaced and the entire room screams luxury. It has been repainted and has new furniture. Tears lace my eyes. The Range has always been home, and while there is nothing here which feels like that anymore, I’m not sad—those things are in the past with the old me. I think Ronan understood. It scares me how the man can see right through me, and instead of words, he follows up with actions.

“Oh my gosh!” Bells squeals as she runs toward me. “You’re back! Holy fuck! Everyone, Angel is back!”

One by one, the staff all pile out and surround me, then Dylan is pushing his way through and wrapping me in his arms. A throat clearing has me taking a step back, and Dylan unwinds his arms. Ronan stands in the entryway, and his eyes burn holes into Dylan.

“Hands off my woman, or you’ll lose them. Everyone in the back room for a staff meeting.”

Everyone walks slowly into the back, and I follow behind them. My mouth falls open at the remodeled room—it’s set up conference style and is way more sophisticated than The Range has seen before.

Every worker we have—between day shift and night—is here, and they all wait silently for Ronan to begin.

“Thank you all for coming,” he says, stepping forward. “I personally want to welcome everyone back. I know the time off was not ideal, and as a result, we have lost a couple of workers. By now I have met every one of you over the last few weeks, and as you all know, since the sale, I have made some changes. There have been major upgrades to the rooms to ensure your safety. We have added panic buttons, along with on-sight security, who have been vetted by myself and my own security team. I’m sure you are all busting at the seams to know what my big surprise is, and the wait is over. I’m not your boss anymore.”

“What?” Angie says. “You sold already?”

Ronan laughs. “No, when I purchased The Range, it was never intended for me. Harper will be the one you will all answer to.”

Wide eyes turn to face me, and Dylan whistles while the girls all clap. When the excitement dies down, I say, “I’m so excited to be taking over. I still can’t believe it.”

Bells puts her hand up to speak. “Um, what happens to your clients? Can I schedule them again?”

“Only if they want to die,” Sullivan snaps.

“Or they can watch me fuck my girl. I’m not shy,” Cian adds, making the room laugh.

“Okay, enough of that. Harper will not be working the rooms any longer. She is your boss, and I expect you to treat her as such. Opening night is Friday, and your schedules will be emailed to you on your way out today. Bells has all your starting bonuses, which should cover your time off. Now, one last item of business and you can all go. This room is off limits unless you are invited inside by Harper. If you are caught in here or loitering around this room, you will be fired.”

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