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“Much better than our last arrangement. I was inhaling sand in my sleep,” he told me.

I cracked an amused smile as I walked deeper into the bedroom, my eyes sweeping over the window covered by white curtains, the striped bed covers, and the wooden dresser in the small space.

“Definitely can’t complain. I’m surprised we’ll all fit in here,” I said.

Amir seemed to gravitate closer to me, towering over me. He wasn’t intimidating in a bad way, but his presence was naturally strong.

“We’ll all just have to get really close,” he replied as that casual grin of his crossed his face.

Was he… flirting? No, he wouldn’t flirt with the wife of his captain. That would be downright disrespectful.

“You guys don’t get tired of being around each other all the time?” I asked as I sat down on the edge of the bed.

To my surprise, Amir sat down next to me. He shook his head.

“We’re all brothers. We have each other’s back,” he replied before tilting his head at me. “Don’t worry. I’ll keep a close eye on you too.”

My heart automatically started beating faster as our eyes met. He really shouldn’t have been flirting with me like that. It wasn’t right!

But… a twisted part of me couldn’t help but drink in the attention, especially after being so lonely for months while David was gone. It was wrong of me to think like that, but I was human after all.

However, I wasn’t going to do anything about it no matter how much he smiled at me or how many flirty things he said. Not only was I here to strengthen my marriage, but I was also here to work and contribute to the mission. I refused to cheat or do anything to make David jealous when all I wanted to do was make things better between us.

“Speaking of brothers and all that, why are there two sets of triplets?” I asked, moving the conversation along in a more innocent direction.

“Me and my brothers came after the Atkins triplets. Our old unit disbanded due to restructuring, so we were kind of lost in the wind. But everyone knew about David Grady’s unit and the work they got done. If we wanted to make a difference, that was the man to go to,” Amir replied with a determined glint in his eyes. “And we proved ourselves and how our skills could help the unit. Next thing we knew, we were the second set of triplets in the unit. Things work out in a funny way sometimes.”

A fluttering sensation erupted in my chest as I listened to how inspired he and his brothers were by my husband. He truly was an incredible man, which was one of a thousand reasons why I wanted to make our marriage work. I wouldn’t ever find someone else like him.

“What skills do you and your brothers have?” I asked, unable to help my curiosity. I didn’t know many details about much of anything because David couldn’t say all that much. However, I was in the thick of it now, so it helped for me to know what all was going on and who I was sharing this little cottage with.

“I’m the sniper and marksman. Aziel is the close protection specialist, so he looks after any people we rescue or any important person we’re transporting or who’s in our company. Andre is the firearms expert, so if you have any weapon questions, that’s who to go to,” Amir explained as he rested a hand on the mattress between us.

I could feel the heat radiating off his muscular body, my eyes threatening to stray and admire his strong upper arms. Instead, I looked down at the wooden floor, watching the gleam of the sunlight that came in through the curtains.

“I don’t know what to expect from this mission. What’s our next move?” I replied, my forehead creasing from concern. I wanted to be ready.

“We’re waiting to hear word from the rebel group. If they need our help, we’ll go to the city and assist, whether that’s taking out enemies or getting rebels to safety,” Amir said. “We’ll have to decide on the spot whether or not we’ll need you to come along.”

I nodded. It seemed like reacting in the moment made up a lot of the plans, which I was sort of used to since David’s career was so unpredictable.

“Thank you. This is all new, but I won’t slow you guys down,” I promised him. The last thing I wanted was for everyone to think that I was deadweight.

Amir nudged my knee as he rose to his feet.

“You don’t have to worry, sweetheart. We’re happy to have a woman here. A real woman,” he said as his eyes briefly swept over me. He grinned and strode out of the room, leaving me there with wide eyes that I soon rolled.

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