Page 13 of No Boundaries

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“You know I only want you to be happy.”

I raised my brows. “Really? Because you flying here and telling me my duty is back at the office is not making me very happy.”

Her eyes filled with tears and I reached for her hand.

“Mom, me not working for Dad isn’t the end of the world.”

She closed her eyes and nodded. “I know. I know. I guess I simply want you home.”

Drawing her into a hug, I held her tightly. “I love you, Mom.”

Hugging me just as tightly, she replied, “And I love you too. More than you will ever know.”

When we broke apart, I smiled down at her. “Why don’t you join me for breakfast?”

A wide grin appeared on her face. “I’d love to. When is your next day off?”

“Today,” I said as I handed her the bag she had set down when she walked in.

Her face fell. “Oh, no! I booked a day at the spa today.” She waved her hand in the air. “I can cancel it.”

“I have tomorrow off as well and we can do something then,” I replied as I held the door open and she walked outside.

“That sounds wonderful. What are your plans for your day off today?”

Trying not to smile at the thought of spending time with Amelia, I casually answered her. “I’m taking a friend on a kayak tour of the mangroves.”

“Oh,” she replied, trying to make it seem like it was something she thought would be fun. I knew my mother though. She’d rather someone put mud on her body and wrap it in warm towels than go on any sort of adventure that involved actual mud or heat.

The moment we stepped into the small restaurant for breakfast, I knew she was there. I couldn’t explain how I knew, but it was just a feeling I had.

I glanced around and smiled when I saw Amelia sitting with Lori and Parker. She hadn’t seen me yet, but I caught the moment she felt my presence as well. My heart started to beat faster as I watched her scan the room until her eyes met mine.

“Goodness, oh, this is a lovely surprise!” I heard my mother say as she started off in the direction of…Amelia?

Amelia’s eyes went from me to my mother. Her smile grew bigger and she turned to say something to Lori and Parker, who both watched as my mother walked directly up to them.

“There is no freaking way,” I whispered as I watched Amelia stand and hug my mother. “Oh. My. God.”

“What’s wrong?”

The voice came from next to me and belonged to Chuck.

“How does my mother know the woman I’m going to be spending the day with?”

Chuck stood in front of me, blocking my view of what was happening with the women. “You’re going out on a date with a guest? I thought that was a rule?”

Pushing Chuck out of the way, I looked on in horror as my mother waved for Jen, who must have been the waitress for Amelia’s table, to come over.

“Not now, Chuck, I have to go.”

Practically knocking my friend over, I headed toward the table just in time to hear my mother ask Jen for two extra seats.

Amelia looked up at me with a confused expression on her face.

“I see you know my mother,” I said with a forced smile.

“No way!” Lori stated with a giggle.

Parker pointed to me. “You’re the spoil–ouch!”

Either Lori or Amelia must have kicked Parker under the table.

My mother glanced between me and Amelia. “You know my son? What are the odds?”

Amelia forced a smile as she cleared her throat. “We met yesterday, while he was bartending...”

Her words faded off as if remembering a conversation with my mother. Good Lord, what in the hell had she told her?

“Jaxon, I had the pleasure of sitting next to Amelia here on our flight. Then offered to share my car with the girls. I knew you were staying here, but what a lovely surprise to run into you girls! And to know you’ve met my Jaxon!”

Lori and Parker wore wide smiles as Amelia seemed to be dazed.

Jen and Chuck both brought over two chairs.

“I’m sorry, do you mind if we join you?” I asked the three of them.

“Not at all!” Lori and Parker said in unison.

“Of course not,” Amelia stated, giving me a smile that made my heart feel like it skipped a damn beat.

I held out the chair for my mother before taking a seat between her and Amelia.

“So you met yesterday?” Mom asked with a bright smile. “Please tell me you’re the one he’s going on the kayak adventure with!”

“She is!” Lori said as Amelia opened her mouth to reply.

“We booked a day at the spa today and Mel here canceled so she can spend the day with your handsome son,” Parker stated with a smile that would put any matchmaking mother to shame.

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