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“Sorry.” She glances down, her shoulders slumping.

“Don’t do that. Stay with me.”

“You’re mad,” Paisley whispers.

“I was but not at you. Been trying to get you close to me.”

“I didn’t ask you because I thought it could get you in trouble, and worse, I’d have to admit things about my past that I wasn’t ready to yet.” She licks her lips, stalling. I decide to keep quiet, to wait her out, knowing she’s on the verge of opening up to me. “I think I’m engaged,” Paisley finally blurts out.

I’m instantly happy and pissed off at the same time. Glad she trusts me enough to open up to me and mad as hell at the mention of anyone else thinking she’s theirs. She is the only person in the world that can make me feel so many different emotions at once. Some on opposite ends of each other.

“You’re not engaged,” I quickly correct her. “Unless you want to be.”

“I don’t!” I give her a pointed look. “I mean to the man my parents want me to marry.”

“But you wouldn't mind being engaged to someone else.”

“Jackson.” A blush starts to form on her cheeks.

“If you were married, you couldn’t be engaged to anyone,” I say before I can think better of it. It’s a fucked-up thing to suggest, but I don’t really care. I should have thought of this sooner. It’s brilliant. The answer has been right in front of me this whole time.

“You’d really marry me right now?” Her voice sounds both skeptical and optimistic at the same time.

“Told you, I’m never letting you go. Married or not, you're still going to be mine.” Her whole face lights up. I plan on seeing it do that exact thing for the rest of my damn life.

“I should probably tell you about who your in-laws are.” I scoop her back up into my arms and carry her over to the couch. I sit down so that she’s straddling me.

“Tell me, princess.” I tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear. “All of it.” Paisley relaxes into me and tells me everything.

I know a lot of it already. What I didn’t get from the folder was how neglected she'd been her whole life. Her parents could buy her anything, but they couldn’t give her the one thing she truly wanted. To belong. To have a family of her own. To feel wanted.

That’s where I come in. I can and will give her each and every one of those things, and so much more.

“If they find me, they’ll make me marry him.” I catch the small tremble in her voice. It’s one of fear. Not only of her family but of Bentley Bloomberg too. I need to read over what Blu sent on him. In the end it doesn’t matter, though. I’ll destroy any fear she has. It won’t matter the cost.

“No, no one can make you do shit.”

“You don’t know them. Even if we did get married, they’d just go after you to get to me. They always get what they want in the end.”

“So do I.” Paisley leans forward to lay her head on my shoulder. I rub my hands up and down her back, wanting to reassure her. “Your parents aren’t the only ones with friends in high places, princess. Trust that I’ll handle this.”

“I trust you.” Her words are a double-edged sword. I want that trust, but I shouldn’t have it. She’s told me all her secrets, but I’ve yet to tell her my own.

“Paisley.” I trail my fingers up her back. Damn, she feels good in my arms. I don’t want to ruin the moment. I’ve finally gotten her to open up to me.

“I don’t like it when you use my name.” She lifts her head.

“Princess.” That one word makes her smile. Any worries she was holding on to are dissipating. I fucking love the fact that’s me giving her that. That she’s blooming for me.

"I'd think it was condescending if it were anyone else. Being as who I am and where I come from. But not you.” She wiggles in my lap. To stop her, I grip her hips, making her pussy sit right on my cock. I’m trying to focus on what she’s saying, but she isn’t making it easy. In fact, she is making it very hard. “You treat me like a princess you want to take care of.”

“I will take care of you.”

“I know.” She licks her lips. “But you never let me take care of you.” Paisley’s hands slide down my chest, stopping at the top of my jeans. Her delicate fingers reach for the button on them.

I haven't let her get too close to my cock. But make no mistake, I’ve gotten off multiple times over the past ten days. Several times, I've even found myself partially inside her. I’ve come so damn close to thrusting all the way inside her sweet, warm cunt.


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