Page 6 of Blood Red Rose

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"How was your doctor's appointment, sweet pea?" Dad asks. The anger is still in his voice, at least at the moment, it's not directed at me. Though by this evening, I'm sure it will be.

"It was good. Is Mama around? I need to ask her something. It's about a woman's issue," I tell him. I know that will instantly get him off my back. My dad's very old school and deals with nothing related to women's problems. That's my mom's wheelhouse.

"Check in the kitchen." He winks, giving me a forced smile as I turn and go down the hall.

I find Mom acting busy, though I know she wasn't. She hasn't cooked in this house since the day they got married. Though she likes to pretend when she's spying on my father.

"Mom, can I talk to you about something? Maybe in my room, out of earshot of other people?" I say. At all times, my dad's men are always scattered everywhere around the house.

Instantly, Mom looks worried. But she takes off her perfectly clean apron, nods, and follows me upstairs.

We get to my room, and I close the door. Then we sit on the couch by the window, the same couch that I was sitting on when I made the decision that now is altering my entire life.

"I need to tell you something. Though I'm going to start with why I did it, and I need you to let me get the whole story out before you yell and scream. We’ll tell Daddy after, okay? But please let me tell you my side first," I say.

Tears form in my eyes when my mom crosses her arms. I know she's sealing her emotions away so that she can look at things logically. Then, after taking a deep breath, I give her the truth.

"You know that I don't want to marry Eric. He's a horrible person, and the rumors in town confirm it. He’s worse than what we have seen in person. But what they say about his bedroom skills is even more horrific. Heck, he just now shoved me against the wall to get me out of his way.

The other day I was sitting here feeling like I had no control over anything, including my life my decisions. All I could think about was that as soon as I was married, I wouldn't even have control over my own body.

In a split econd, I decided that just once I wanted to control something, so I went to Bella's. We sat and talked and please don't get her in trouble for this, but she took me to Club Red. When we snuck out, she covered for me. I had a one-night stand with an amazing guy. I don't regret it. I wanted to be in control of my virginity, and having shitty sex with Eric for the rest of my life was not something I was looking forward to."

I can see the moment my mom starts to put two and two together, and her face pales. It wouldn't be such a big deal with me not being a virgin. We could spin that easily, but my mom knows I haven't been feeling well.

"You're pregnant," she says gently, and I just nod.

"I know you and Daddy are going to be mad, but I don't regret it. More than anything in the world, I want this baby because it's a choice that I made for myself. You were lucky because you loved my father, and he loved you. So I don't think you understand what it's like going into a completely loveless marriage with someone like Eric."

"This is why the doctor didn't call?"

"He said he'd give me until tomorrow to tell you both before he called." At this point, I’m being honest because lying will get me nowhere, and I know it.

"We need to go down and talk to your father, and we need to do it now, baby."

"I know. But I didn't have the courage to face both of you at the same time." When I hang my head, Mom pulls me into one of the tightest and most comforting hugs I can ever remember her giving me.

"I know you're scared, and I would be too, but we are your family. While your dad's going to be mad, we will get through this together. Though I have to tell you, sometimes things like this are a case of the devil you know is better than the devil you don't know."

She takes my hand and leads me downstairs. When we enter my dad's office, I'm still completely puzzled by her comments and trying to make sense of them. Then she turns and locks the door behind us.

As my mom sits on his lap, Dad's eyes land on me. Taking the chair across from his desk, I sit, preparing myself. My dad smiles up at my mom and gives her a quick kiss. When he wraps his arms around her waist and holds her, that movement alone calms him. I so desperately want that kind of relationship. I want that more than anything, but before I can say a word, I start crying.

"Sweet pea, what's wrong? Are you hurt? Did Eric really hurt you by shoving you against the wall like that?"

I shake my head. "No, I desperately want what you and Mom have, and I'm never going to get that." Taking a deep breath, I see a look of guilt crossing my dad's face. Mom throws me the look, telling me to just tell him and stop with the theatrics, so I begin after taking some deep breaths.

"Daddy, I did something stupid. But I don't regret it because you always taught me to think things through, make decisions and then not regret them. I was feeling out of control of my own life, so for a night I took control and I had a one-night stand. At the doctor today, I found out that I'm pregnant with another man's baby." I decided to give him the short version. When I see his grip on my mom tighten for a fraction of a moment, I cringe. Instead of the anger that I was expecting to see, I see rage. The same rage that I had seen him have with Eric.

"Well, this definitely makes your contract with Eric void, since he insisted on having a virgin. Your wedding is two weeks away, and you will be getting married. There was someone else from the rival family that Eric wanted protection against who had been asking about you quite insistently. He wants you desperately because he doesn't want Eric to have you. Even better, he is willing to agree to just about any terms."

I can see the wheels turning in my dad’s head, making my decisions for me yet again.

"You will not tell a single soul outside this room that you are pregnant. In two weeks, you will get married. From now until your wedding day, you will not leave your room. I will have guards posted outside your door and outside your window. If I can't trust you, I will post guards inside your room with you. Have I made myself clear?" my father asks calmly. From the impassive tone in his voice, I guess he likes this new guy better than Eric. But he's still not taking chances, and not once did he ask how I was doing. Right now, my dad's in a business mode, and I'm not his daughter, but a commodity. The exact reason I felt so out of control before.

After calling in one of the security guys, my dad gives him instructions on how I am not to leave my room for anything and whom he wants to be posted outside my door and windows. Then the guard follows me back to my room because my father's orders will be followed to the tee. Because if they don't, especially when it comes to me, they’re basically signing their death warrant.

For the next two weeks, I am now a prisoner in my own home.

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