Page 15 of Blood Red Rose

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Dropping her hand for just a moment, I grab a tissue from the counter before I'm right back at her side helping her dry the tears.

"So our ultrasound tech is here today, and I'd like to have you both go down the hall and get an ultrasound done. That way we’ll get a solid measurement on time wise and make sure you're on track. Okay?"

Not only do we get to hear our little ones heartbeat, but now we'll get to see him or her. I don't know any parents that would turn that down. So gathering our things, we follow her down the hallway to the ultrasound room. Once we’re introduced to the ultrasound tech, she has Aria lie down on the exam table. Once again, the tech doesn't flinch in our presence.

Without wasting time, she snaps photos and takes measurements. All the while answering our questions and explaining what she sees on the screen. Finally, she prints out a bunch of pictures for us even though our baby looks like nothing more than a Jelly Bean. Even so, I still can't wait to show them off.

After making our next appointment, we head out to our car. But once we get out to the parking lot, Aria stops dead in her tracks.

"Shoot! I left my phone on the counter as we were checking out," she says.

When starts to turn back to go grab it, I stop her. "Go with the guards. Get in the car and sit down. I'll go grab it and be right back."

She gives me a relieved smile, so I lean down and kiss her real quick. Then I go back into the office where as soon as I step in, the receptionist smiles.

"Your wife's phone, I presume. We were just going to see if we could catch you in the parking lot." Then the receptionist hands me the phone.

"Thank you and I'm sorry that we left it here." I say, putting the phone in my pocket and turning around to go right back out to the parking lot.

Checking my phone on the way back, I want to make sure there's nothing important so I could take my wife out to lunch. When I look up from my phone and see the car, my heart almost stops.

The car doors are wide open. One of my guards is knocked out cold on the ground and the other one is wounded. A bright red blood stain is quickly filling his shirt, and my wife is nowhere to be seen.

Chapter 10


Ugh. I've never had a headache this bad in my life. Is this a pregnancy thing? God, I hope not. And why does my shoulder hurt?

I try to open my eyes, but I'm just so groggy that they are just too heavy to open. It takes a few tries, but when they open, I see I'm in an extra-large garage.

That's when it all starts coming back to me.

As I was getting into the car, I was showing my bodyguard the picture of the baby and they grabbed me from behind. Was the person inside the car waiting for me? Maybe they were behind the car and just got past the guards?

Though there had to be more than one person. Almost instantly, I was surrounded. When my eyes started to get heavy, I distantly remember hearing a gunshot and a scream of pain. Then everything went black.

How long ago was that? I have no idea. Long enough to get me to a new place. Hopefully long enough that my husband will be here any minutes.

I'm alone in the room. So, I started cataloging everything. How sad is it that instead of teaching me how to ride a bike, my parents taught me what to do if I was ever kidnapped. Guess I get to put all those lessons to use today.

Such is the life of a mafia princess. Well, technically, I am now a mafia wife.

Forcing my eyes open, I look around the room. At the same time, I try not to draw attention to anyone who might be watching. What I see are concrete walls and a cold concrete floor. There are horrible fluorescent lights above and some red tool chests. Nothing else is recognizable.

When I try to move my hand to ease the pain on my shoulder, I discover that they are tied behind me and are bound to something. Though there is no way I can tell to what, other than metal clinks when I try to move.

Right now, I'm lying on the floor. But as the door on the other side of the room opens, I move to sit up. Whatever is coming my way, I refuse to take it lying down. Literally.

I'm beyond shocked when I find Eric amongst the people that walk in. He looks a little rough around the edges compared to the last time I saw him.

I bring my legs up to try to hide my belly. It's not huge, and I could probably pass it off as having just eaten a really large meal. No matter what, I will do anything in my power to protect my baby.

"Oh good, you're awake. It's about damn time. I really expected you to wake up before now," Eric says. Then he whispers to the guys that are around him. I recognize a few of them. I think they're his guards and people that work with him and his dad.

"Eric, what's going on?" I ask. Hoping that maybe he'll give me even a little nugget of information.

"As you know, everything was set, and we were going to get married. I was going to have your dad's support and then the plan could be finished. But your father didn't even give me a chance to say I didn't care that you were no longer a virgin. The contract was just null and void, and he moved on to the next guy very quickly." Eric rants, obviously angry.

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