Page 8 of Lynch's Match

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“Then why the sudden desire to end our relationship?” He cocks a brow.

“Because I’m not ready to give you something you want, andI don’t think I ever will. We just don’t have that spark.”

“Spark?” he barks out laughing. “Camilla, it doesn’t take a spark to fuck a man. All you have to do is spread your legs for a man to fuck you.”

“I think I’m done here,” I snap. I’m not about to sit here and let him talk to me like this.

“You’re not done here,” Ezra snarls and grips my wrist tightly. “You aren’t ending things with me.” His grip tightens further. “What you’re going to do is come home with me where you’re finally going to open those legs for me to fuck what belongs to me.”

“I do not belong to you.” I do my best to yank my wrist out of his grip, but he only tightens it further. “You need to release me before I decide to make a scene.”

“Go ahead, sweetheart, and make a scene, it won’tmake a difference. You belong to me, and I’m done waiting. I’ve been nice about it thus far, and I must admit, it’s growing tiresome.”

“Who do you think you are?” I seethe, narrowing my gaze to a glare. “You do not own me. I’m not a possession to be owned.”

“Think that if you will, Camilla, but I do, and you’ll do what you’re told, or I’ll be forced to handle you other ways.”

“You’ll do no such thing.” My heart feels like it’s going to pound out of my chest. I’ve never seen this side of Ezra. He’s always been sweet. The one time I decide to go against him, and he wants to threaten me. Who does he think he is?

“You have the choice to go with me willingly and give me what I want,” Ezra states, leaning closer to me, “or I can make life a living hell for your husband.”

“What?” I breathe, feeling as if I’d been struck across the face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“Oh, don’t lie to me now,” Ezra chortles. “We both know you’re married to Lynch Corbin.” He squeezes my wrists tight and whispers. “What you don’t know is that your husband’s life lies in your hands right now. You pay his debt, or I take his life and that of his brothers.”

“Who are you?” The question is no more than a breath as I stare at Ezra. Fear seeps through my veins like ice freezing through my entire being, making me feel leaden.

“That, sweetheart, is something you don’t ever want to find out. Now, make your choice.”

“What did he do to you?” I blurt out.

“He killed my father,” Ezra announces and gets to his feet and takes me with him. “We’re leaving now.”

He takes the choice from me before I can let his remark fully sink in. There’s got to be more to this than just Lynch killing his father, if that were even true. I don’t know Lynch anymore, but if it were, he’d have to have a good reason for doing it. He’s never done anything without thinking it through first. That I remember.

Outside the restaurant, Ezra holds me close to his side while we wait for his car to be brought around. While doing this, I weigh my options. I could allow Ezra to have his way, or I can run. Get away from him. We’re not far from Félix DeLancy’s offices, and considering they’re a client, I could ask him for help.I know he’s one of the most powerful men in New Orleans. He could protect me, and I wouldn’t have to go to Lynch. Félix could warn the club for me. He’s Fuse’s cousin, and I could ask him to handle all of this.

I would just need to get away from Ezra first.

Just as the car is pulled around, Ezra loosens his grip around me enough that I come to a decision, and I know I can get away. I do this by stomping my heel into his foot, making him shout. I jerk away and don’t look back as I run. It’s not easy, not with six-inch heels or wearing a pencil skirt. God, why on earth do I wear these things? Because it makes my ass look good, and my legs look like they go on for miles. They can be a distraction when I need them, but right now, it definitely seems a stupid choice of clothing.

My heart races, and I refuse to look behind me. I just run until I get to the DeLancy building. My only hope is that the doors are not locked. If Félix isn’t here, I can hope someone else is that can contact him for me.

I’m in luck, finding the doors are still unlocked, but I find myself unlucky to run directly into Lynch’s arms. This is because he, Fuse, and two others I recognize as Chains and Tyres are standing in the entranceway along with Félix and his brothers, Remy and Nicholas.

Great. Just what I didn’t want to do.

There’s no backing out now.

Tires squeal, and I whip my head around to see Ezra parking directly in front of the building and getting out.

No. No. No.

“Camilla, would you like to explain to us what’s happening here?”Félix is the first to ask.

Lynch’s arms tighten around me, and I swallow tightly.

“No time, just know that he’s a threat to . . .”

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