Page 33 of Lynch's Match

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I shove the thought to the back of my mind as I help Camilla hop off. Those of us who could ride, rode our bikes. Axel drove a cargo van, bringing the bodies of our fallen brothers. We couldn’t leave them behind.

Chains put a call into our contact at both the fire department and police, letting them know what’s gone down and that we’d be handling it. No one needs to come around. He’d tack on a bit extra for them to swipe the attack on the clubhouse under the rug and look the other way. As for my house, he reported to them Fuse would be sending them a file, and they could go pick up the person responsible for it, and contact Dan Morton. Dan would know what to do without us calling him. All he needed to know was that Helena started the fire.

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Camilla whispers, giving my hand a squeeze.

“Yeah, baby, I’m good,” I lie. My entire body is throbbing right now. “Let’s get inside and . . .”

“Lynch Maxim Corbin.” I tense at the use of my full name. Spotting the only person who would dare use it without getting a fist in the face.

Slowly, I twist in the direction, a grimace playing on my lips. “What the fuck are you doing here, Harlow?” I demand, seeing that she’s dressed in fitted cargo pants I’ve only ever known her to wear when she’s working. Something she hasn’t done in a long while. She’s supposed to be fuckin’ retired and living a happy life.

“What am I doing here?” Harlow cocks a brow. “I should be asking you the same damn thing.” She looks from me to Camilla and stretches a hand in my woman’s direction. “I’m Harlow, Lynch’s sister.”

“Nice to finally meet you,” Camilla utters, somewhat awkwardly and cautiously. “I’m sorry that we’re meeting under such circumstances.”

“Same, we should have met years ago,” Harlow says, eyes shifting back to me. “Maybe then I’d have gotten to know my sister-in-law over the years.”

Fucking hell.

“Can we continue this inside?” I grumble, not wanting to get into it with Harlow outside.

“Yeah, we can continue while I look you over and make sure you didn’t break anything,” Harlow says, stepping past me while shouting over her shoulder. “Don’t think I don’t know you better than you think, big brother. You’re hurt and trying to hide it.”

“Your sister, um, is she always like that?” Camilla asks, seemingly unsure.

“She used to be quiet and soft-spoken. She’s also one of the scariest women I’ve ever met. Mostly because she’s a known assassin, who will slit your throat without blinking and then laugh in your face while you die staring into her eyes.”

“That would be me you’re talking about, Lynch, not your sister.”

A groan leaves my lips, and again, I turn to see Victoria and Raven both standing there. Raven with a sniper rifle resting on her shoulder, and Victoria twirling a Ka-Bar in her hand. “Why the hell are you three here?”

“Because Mom called us in,” Raven answers.

“Great,” I sneer and look to the sky, “just what we need, you three here to cause trouble.”

“That’s not what we’re here for,” Victoria remarks, shaking her head. “We’re protection.” She turns toward Camilla and smiles. “I’m Victoria, and this is Raven.”

“Nice to meet you,” Camilla says, smiling back, though hers doesn’t make the dimples she’s known to have when actually smiling. She looks at me, her brows furrowing. “If you’re hurting, you really need to be seen to, Lynch.” The concern in her eyes twists something in my gut.

“Yeah.” I don’t fight it with her. Enough has happened today, and I just don’t have it in me. I’m hurting, but it’s nothing I can’t handle. Still, I’ll let Harlow look me over, and make sure I’m good.

“Does someone want to explain to me why the fuck my sister seems to think she can stay and not get back home where her ass belongs?” Chains snarls hours later, evidently pissed Victoria and the others are in the area.

“Calm down,” Victoria snaps back, hands on her hips, her man standing not far behind her, looking amused. Next to Tracker is none other than both my brothers-in-law, Blaze and Ranger. Blaze might technically not be, but Raven is like a sister to me, so he is. “You need to calm down and listen to me. We can help.”

“The fuck you are.” Chains growls, getting in Victoria’s face.

“Chains, calm down,” Tiny utters, getting between siblings, hands planted on her man’s chest. “You’re going to scare Brook more than she already is at seeing all of you hurt.”

The mention of his daughter has my Prez backing away just a bit. He points at the men from the Devil’s Riot MC. “The fuck you thinkin’ allowing them to come here and be a part of this shit?”

“Brother, you know your sister. She’s not about to let anything happen if she can help, same as the other two.” Tracker shrugs. “We’re here to help, and that’s what we’re gonna do.”

I shake my head and think about how Harlow had bitched at me the entire time she’d been patching me up with Camilla sitting next to me. After she finished, she hugged me tight and told me she was going back outside where she could watch for visitors. That was hours ago, and she’s yet to come back in. Neither has Raven. Victoria thought, she had no choice. Chains was ready to rip her a new one.

“I don’t give a fuck. This isn’t something she needs to be a part of,” Chains states, gritting his teeth.

“Daddy,” Brook calls, getting everyone’s attention. A blanket clutched in her hand, and she sticks her thumb back in her mouth, her twin brother, River, standing protectively next to her.

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