Page 3 of Lynch's Match

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Taking a moment, I let the memories of the past seep in. Memories that have haunted me so much that I had to learn to block them out; otherwise, they would destroy me. It nearly did.

But that feels like a lifetime ago. Now, I refuse to allow myself to be that vulnerable again.

I shake my head and sigh in frustration. There’s no point in dreading up the past, even if part of it is coming to the present. Reaching in front of my computer, I grab my glasses, put them on my face, and buzz my assistant. “Mags, do me a favor, please call Ezra and let him know I won’t be able to make dinner tonight.”

“Sure thing,” Mag agrees. “I’ll let him know you won’t be able to make dinner. Again.” It’s not the first time she’s had to do this. “What about the gala you were to attend with him and your aunt?”

I want to groan at the mention of the gala. I don’t want to have to go to that, but there’s no way I’ll be able to get out of it without hearing my aunt fuss about it. “I’ll make sure I’m ready for that, but for now, everything else needs to be on hold until I finish dealing with this case.” The gala isn’t for a few more days, but with everything I’ve been working on, I really don’t have time for it.

“You got it, boss lady,” Mag states. She’s been with me since I moved back here and took the job. She knows my schedule better than anyone and keeps my life straight for me. If not for her always making sure my life is organized outside of the office, I’d probably live here to avoid dealing with the outside world.“I’ll also go ahead and order you dinner since I’m sure you’ll be here all night.”

“You’re a godsend,” I remark and disconnect with her.

Now, it’s time to dive in deep.

Why didn’t I ask Dan to send someone else here for me? The question has been some form of this since crossing the bridge. I don’t need this.

The last thing I need today is to have to take the chance of running into Lynch. I need to get to the clubhouse, drop these papers off, explain a few things, and leave. Hopefully, without seeing Lynch.

I mean, if I do, it shouldn’t be that big of a deal, right?

Who am I kidding? Ever since the other day when Dan put me on this, I’ve thought nonstop about him and that’s never a good thing.

Parking my car, I shove the thoughts away before I can delve too deeply. There’s no reason to dredge up the past.

I get out and take a breath while glancing around. Off to the side of the clubhouse, I noticed several houses—more than just a few. A few kids were playing, and some women were standing close by. A couple of those women were looking in my direction, and others were watching the kids.

I close the driver’s door and walk around the hood to the passenger side to grab my briefcase. Once I have it in hand, I straighten my shoulders, take another breath, and start toward the clubhouse doors.

The moment I step inside, I don’t get the opportunity to take things in. Not when I see Jazlene Rasmussen. I guess there’s no delivering of papers and leaving.

“I think not, Rasmussen.” I know the woman who threatens the client I’m here to protect. No matter how much I hate being here. I have a job to do. I have to do it without looking at him.

Wearing what I’ve learned to use as my battle armor, I face off with one of the vipers of the courtroom. Unfortunately for Rasmussen, I’m no slouch when it comes to an argument, and I make sure to do my research and get things straight ahead of time.

When my boss asked me to take the case, I made sure to look at every little bit of information in the files and made the call to Fuse, who sent me, even more, when I told him I was the lawyer handling the case for the club. Granted, I didn’t give him my full name, just in case.

“What the hell are you doing here, Camilla?” Hearing his voice again sends a shiver down my spine as it always has. Once upon a time, it would be welcomed. Now, though, it’s not.

I glance in his direction long enough to take all of him in for a split second and return my attention to Jazlene Rasmussen. She takes priority to ensure my client stays safe. I intended to drop some documents off with my client and then leave. I didn’t think when I got here, I’d face off with this woman, but here we are, and I won’t back down.

“You can’t stop this, Camilla,” Jazlene snaps, glaring at me like she could shoot daggers out of her eyes. I’m willing to bet if she could, then that’s exactly what she’d do. I heard the rumors about her and wouldn’t be surprised by anything she attempted.

“Go ahead and think that.” I keep my expression neutral. There’s no way I’m giving away my poker hand, not without making sure she knows she won’t win against me. I made sure with this to dot my I’s and cross my T’s. “My client, Lily, will not be going anywhere with you or anyone else. The documentation you’re holding is bullshit, and you damn well know it.” I nod at the files in her hands.

Upon stepping in, I heard what she’d been saying, and it sickens me that anyone would do such a thing.

“You would be mistaken.” Jazlene holds out the folder and nods toward it. “Here, see for yourself.”

I take the thing and flip it open, scanning over the documents, knowing it’s all total BS but still keeping my hand close for the time being. No way a, I’m going to let her know what she’s up against.

The law firm I work for doesn’t hire just anyone right out of law school. I’ve worked to earn my place in the firm. I also know that my boss is close friends with one of the most powerful men in the area, Félix DeLancy, and it was he who wanted me on this after hearing my last case.

Dramatically closing the folder and tossing it to the floor, I make a snorting noise and cock my head slightly. “No judge would look at this and agree with you.”

“Depends on the judge.” Jazlene smirks, seeing my challenge for what it is.

“Maybe so,” I agree, nodding. She’s right, it depends on the judge, but I’m already one step ahead of her on that one. “But you see, I will make sure whatever judge who takes it on knows I won’t back down. Even more still, those papers will be seen as slavery documents, and I know for a fact your client will not want his face flashed all over the news because we both know the business he’s in. Don’t we?”

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