Page 24 of Lynch's Match

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Twisting back to look at the other women who stare at me with wide eyes, I get to my feet. “Thanks for the coffee.”

“Anytime,” Tiny whispers. “We’re having a cookout tomorrow. Tell Lynch to bring you.”

“Yeah,” I mumble and step around the chair as Lynch grips my wrists and tugs me to him. He releases my wrists, wraps his arm around my waist, and guides me toward the doors. “I can walk by myself. You don’t have to have an arm wrapped around me guiding me.”

“Camilla, I suggest you shut your mouth until we get to the house,” Lynch bites out harshly.

I bite my lip to keep from saying anything further because I could read the tone in his voice.

Lynch guides me out of the clubhouse and back to his bike. At least on the bike, I don’t have to worry about him yelling at me. Sure, it’s what I want, or it was. Seeing the burning fire in his gaze and the harsh tone in his voice, I’m not so sure anymore. Regardless, it looks like I’ll find out exactly how he feels when we get back to his house.

The ride back to his place doesn’t take long, and I’m on edge as I climb off the back of Lynch’s bike after he parks in the garage. I take my helmet off, the very same helmet I was surprised to find he kept. It was custom-made and a gift to me on my seventeenth birthday. On the back of it is his name for me and underneath it says ‘Property of Lynch’. I didn’t know until he explained to me what it meant. Upon hearing it, I loved it. I’d only been allowed to ride with him a few times with my parents’ permission. They loved Lynch and connected with him. It was great.

Then it wasn’t.

All because of me. I ruined it all. I sometimes wonder what they think about all that’s transpired between him and me.

“Inside,” he clips out, swinging his leg over and straightening, taking the helmet from me.

On the way to his house, I thought about everything I wanted to say to him and hoped he doesn’t boggle my mind as he did yesterday. Not that I’d ever complain about the sex. It’s off the charts the best ever. Granted, it’s always been amazing with him. I’m still limited in my experience and only know what he taught me.

I shake thoughts of sex away and step into the kitchen just as I had yesterday and the night before that. Both times, I hadn’t really paid attention to the open floorplan and the elements of the whole space. Its cool colors surprise me. They don’t exactly seem to be colors he’d pick. It says this place is a family home rather than a bachelor pad, but that’s what it is. There’s nothing exactly personal. No photos. Sure, he has a TV and comfy furniture, but that’s about it.

The door slams closed behind Lynch, and I whirl around to face off with a very pissed-looking man.

I open my mouth to say something, but he stops me.

“You can’t seem to stop yourself, can you,” he snarls, prowling in my direction.

“Stop myself from what? From speaking the truth?” Yep, I was able to say it, but I backed away from him while doing it.

“What’s the truth part of it, huh?” he demands, stopping only a foot away from me.

“All of it. It’s because of me that everything happened.”

“You’re fucked in the head because of this shit.” Lynch growls, narrowing his gaze. “For years, you thought it was me who fucked it up. You were good being pissed at me. Now that you know the fuckin’ truth, you allow guilt to eat at you rather than be pissed at the reason behind it. Your aunt’s a greedy bitch and didn’t like that you had something she didn’t. Didn’t want you to have it, so she ruined it. Tricked you while doing it to serve her own purpose.”


“Shut it, Camilla,” he snaps. “You wanted me to yell at you. Tell you how it is. Here it is. Yeah, I’m fuckin’ pissed. Was pissed at you for ending us. I’m pissed at myself for leaving it when I shouldn’t have. It’s not just on you that we lost all the years we did together. I went without your body when I didn’t have to. I’m not a choir boy. Won’t say I didn’t find pussy, but nothing, and I fuckin’ mean not one of the bitches I’ve fucked in the past come anywhere close to what I get when it’s your body I’m sinkin’ into.”

The mention of him screwing other women feels like a sucker punch to my stomach, but it’s not like I didn’t already figure him to be with others. He’s a man who loves sex, and I knew this.

“What I’m also pissed about is the fact you think I’d play you. That ain’t the kinda man I am. Wouldn’t do that to you. So, yeah, you can see I’m pissed, but I won’t take it out on you. You had enough in your head to sort through so we could damn well move on. Evidently, you aren’t gonna let it go, so here’s the rest of it. What’s happenin’ between us is we’re starting what should have been happenin’ all along. I’m not just your husband, but your ol’ man. Yours. Just like you’re my wife, my ol’ lady, fuckin’ well, mine. I’m not letting you get away from me again.”


“No fuckin’ buts to it.” He interrupts me, closing the space between us. Lynch wraps an arm around my waist and draws me flush against him. “No more talk about divorce. No more bullshit. We’re movin’ forward, and you gotta get it through that stubbornness, I ain’t gonna take shit out on you. Whether you think you deserve it or not. It ain’t all on you. It ain’t all on me. We both fucked up. Now, we move on and do it together. Show the fuckers who wanted us apart, they’re not gonna get what they want.”

Again, I go to say something else, but Lynch refuses to let me speak up. Instead, he claims my mouth, his tongue dominating my mouth. He doesn’t wait around or handle me as he did throughout the night. Lynch takes me right there in the living room, bent over the back of the couch, my pants down just enough for him to slam inside. It’s ruthless. Powerful. The way he takes me . . . it’s him and just what I need.



“You can’t stay with me all day, Lynch,” Camilla grumbles, not looking up from the file on her desk.

“Told you already, just as I have for the past three days, I’m not gonna be going away and leaving you alone at work,” I grunt and lift the coffee her assistant brought for the both of us. I’d given her cash to go to the café down the street and get it. I had my reasons for getting her to leave, and I’d taken the time wisely by closing the door and getting right down to it.

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