Page 15 of Lynch's Match

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I kiss her deeply and thoroughly. My cock throbs in my jeans, more than ready to take her right here and now, but I know we don’t have the time. The next time I get inside her, I intend to take my time. For now, I’ll settle with having her mouth. Later, once we get through today and we’ve had our talk, then I’ll take my sweet time coming reacquainted with her body.

Ending the kiss, I press my forehead to hers, listening as she catches her breath. I lift the mug off the counter and replace it in her hands, making sure she has a good grip on it before stepping back.

I retake my place where I’d been standing, crossing my arms and feet while watching her closely. “Now, finish your coffee, baby. I’ll take you to get ready when you’re done. Then we’ll grab something to eat at that little café down the street from your office.”



“Camilla, your aunt is on line one for you,” Mags says through the speaker on the phone in my office.

“Thanks, Mags, tell her I’ll call her later,” I respond, not looking up from the file I’m doing my best to focus on. It’s been three hours since that kiss Lynch planted on me, and I can’t seem to do anything but think of it. His mouth on mine. The way he kisses. Need, unlike anything I’ve ever felt, well not in the past years without him, rushed right through and sunk deep into my core.

“She says it’s imperative that she speak to you,” Mags states. The tone in her voice becoming uncertain.

Mags had seen Lynch when we first got to the office. If I wasn’t already freaking out on the inside as it were, I’d have found her expression comical. I introduced her to Lynch, and he added the fact he was my husband. He also informed my boss of this when they were introduced, but the two of them already knew each other. This I didn’t know, but they spoke for a few minutes, and Lynch informed him that he would be hanging around the office for a while. Dan surprised me further by telling him to make himself comfortable.

“Talk to her,” Lynch speaks up for the first time since we came into this room.

“What?” I shoot a glare in his direction. I don’t want to talk to my aunt with him here. Honestly, I don’t know what I want right now. Mostly, I want to get my work done and then get over to the courthouse. I have two cases going in front of the judge, and I need to be on my game.

“Talk to your aunt. See what she’s going on about,” Lynch remarks, leaning forward, bracing his elbows on his knees, hands clasped together.

“I’m not talking to her right now,” I snap and put my pen down.

“Why not?” He cocks a brow.

“Why is none of your business.” Total lie, and I know it. I want to bury my head in the sand, which he’s not allowing.He’s not going to let any of this go.

“Baby, you either talk to her or I do, and I’ll tell you now, Cams, you do not want that,” he states warningly.

“Babe, I’m gonna have to agree with your man in there.” Mag snickers over the line, and I nearly forgot she was there. “So, do I take a message or transfer her to you?”

Sighing, I shake my head and pick the phone up. “Transfer her to me, Mags.”

“You got it,” she says.

A second later, I pressed a button to answer my aunt’s call. “Hey, Helena, I’m busy right now with work. Can I call you back later?”

“What you can do, Camilla Lane, is tell me what is going on with you and Ezra. Why on earth did you break things off with him last night?” she snaps, getting right to the reason for her call.

“I’m not discussing this with you,” I mutter, looking in Lynch’s direction through narrow slits.

“You are forever ending things with men who are worth being with,” she accuses. “It’s time you grow up, Camilla, and find a man to marry. Ezra would benefit not just you but this family with his name alone.”

“Aunt Helena, I’m not going to be with some man just because of his name. You know this. Now, I’m at work and I don’t have time to discuss my choice of ending things with Ezra,” I say a bit snippily.

“Young lady, you best make time to speak with me. This is important. Ezra is completely beside himself you broke things off with him.”

“I just bet he is,” I mutter. “I’ll speak with you later.”

“Most definitely, and you can also explain to me what you’re doing seeing that dreadful ex of yours.”

“How would you know I saw Lynch?” I demand. The hairs on the back of my neck are standing up.

“Ezra told me,” she clips out. “Is he the reason you ended things? If that’s the case, you have lost your mind.”

“I’m not discussing any of this with you, Helena. It’s none of your concern, and I’m busy right now.” I clench the phone in my hand, and it’s all I can do not to snap at my aunt. I love her. She’s the only family I have left. I’m just trying to remember she’s simply looking out for my well-being.

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