Page 70 of Restraint

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“Someone wear you out?”

She laughed softly. “And then some.”

He chuckled. “I swear to God I’m less worn out after three periods on the ice. That was quite a workout, Dr. Nelson.”

“No one’s ever…” she started, her words fading away.

“No one’s ever,” he prompted.

She flushed slightly, grinning. “No one’s ever managed to give me more than one orgasm in a night. No one’s ever found my G-spot, and none of my past boyfriends managed to use my clit to its full potential.”

Blake cupped her cheek, giving her a quick kiss. “Not gonna complain about coming out on top in any competition, even though the thought of you with those other guys makes me see red.”

“Never pegged you for the jealous type,” she teased.

Because he wasn’t. Or he hadn’t been. Before her. Now he was feeling uncharacteristically caveman-like.

He drew his fingers over her bare shoulder, then tugged her closer. “What do you say we get a shower, then call it a night?”

Erika pushed to a sitting position. “A shower together?”

Blake grinned at her obvious excitement. “I dare you to try to take one without me.”

She gave him a quick kiss on the lips, then climbed out of bed, padding to the bathroom. She stopped at the doorway. “Dare you.”

Blake leapt from the bed, much to Erika’s delight, chasing her into the bathroom. Within sixty seconds, they were standing together underneath the steaming jets.

Erika threw her head back to wet her long dark hair. She started to reach for the shampoo, but Blake beat her to it. Squeezing some onto the palm of his hand, he gestured for her to turn around.

“You’re going to wash my hair?” she asked, clearly pleased by the prospect.

“I’m going to wash every inch of you.” He placed a kiss on the top of her head. “And then you’re going to repay the favor.”

Erika glanced over her shoulder, her eyes heavy with need. He’d never really understood the term bedroom eyes until that moment, when she flashed him a seductive look that woke his dick up fast. A fact that didn’t go unnoticed as her eyes drifted down his body, a smile crossing her lips.

“Keep looking at me like that and this shower is going to be less about getting clean and more about getting very, very dirty,” he murmured.

“Cleanliness is overrated.”

This woman was made for him. Blake ran his fingers through her hair, working up a lather before turning her to face him so he could tip her head back to rinse the suds out. Her breasts were pressed against his chest, his cock bumping against her stomach. Once the shampoo was out, he repeated the process with her conditioner.

Erika’s hands gripped his waist, and she kept leaning forward to lick stray drops of water that slid down his chest. It was one of the most erotically charged moments he’d ever experienced. Once her hair was washed, he grabbed her loofah, squirting a generous amount of body wash on the surface.

He was familiar with her sweet scent, something he often caught whiffs of whenever she stopped by his place after showering. He’d never really considered a smell a turn-on, but there was no denying—he glanced at the bottle—white peach and rice milk was going to give him hard-ons from this point on.

Blake ran the loofah over her shoulders, neck, and back.

“Oh my God, that feels so good,” Erika said.

“It really does,” he agreed, enjoying her slight intake of breath when he drew the loofah down her spine and over her ass. “Turn around so I can rinse off the soap.”

She twisted to face him again, the hot water sluicing down her back. Now he could focus his attention on the front. He dropped the loofah, opting for a more hands-on cleaning approach, running his fingers through her slit.

“So wet for me,” he said, bending forward to kiss the side of her neck.

Erika didn’t reply with words but with whimpers when he found and circled her clit, applying enough pressure to fire her engines without blasting off. Their first two times together had been explosive, but Blake hadn’t taken nearly enough time to savor the experience.

Now that they’d sated their immediate hunger, he was ready for a leisurely dessert.

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