Page 69 of Restraint

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“God!” she cried out, tilting her hips, aware that he hadn’t even started fucking her yet and she was already wondering how in the hell she’d gone so long without this.

Blake dropped to his elbows, pressing his chest against her breasts. He resumed those heady kisses from before while his hips lifted and fell, his cock pistoning inside her in a way she’d never experienced.

Sex before Blake had been too tame, too boring, the equivalent of sitting in the doctor’s waiting room thirty minutes past the time of her appointment.

Sex with Blake was a parade, a rock concert, and a hit Broadway show, all rolled into one.

He fucked her through one orgasm, slowing his thrusts but not stopping as she lay beneath him, certain one more of those mind-blowing climaxes would kill her.

Once she recovered, he withdrew, flipping her to her stomach like she was his own personal rag doll. Lifting her hips, he returned—fucking her like a man possessed.

And throughout it all, he murmured a litany of all the dirty, kinky, amazing things he was going to do to her, vowing they hadn’t even begun to scratch the surface.

Jesus! She’d never been taken with this kind of force. It was the single hottest experience of her life. Her third orgasm came at her from out of nowhere, figuratively knocking her on her ass, her inner muscles clenching so hard, she saw stars.

Blake cursed. “That’s right, Erik. Fucking hell, you sexy dirty girl. You’re squeezing me so tight, feels like you’re going to crush my dick.”

She trembled as the climax waned, every ounce of strength drained from her body. Not that Blake seemed to notice or care.

He withdrew again, flipping her to her back again. “One more time. Let me see those pretty eyes of yours when you come with me.”

She shook her head. Or she should say, her head flopped just twice as she gave him a great impersonation of a fish on the shore.

“One more,” he repeated in that dark tone that warned he was going to get his way.

“I’ll die.”

He pushed his cock back inside. “I’ll bring you back to life if you do,” he promised. His thrusts were slower this time, but even more forceful.

“I really don’t…think…I can…” she said, fighting to draw air into her lungs.

Blake didn’t acknowledge her protest. Instead, he tilted her hips, dragging her legs over his shoulders. This position was a killer, because on the next stroke?—

“What the hell?” she gasped.

“G-spot,” he replied, hitting it again and again.

She’d never met that fellow before, but damn if she didn’t like him. A lot.

“Oh my God!” Apparently, her body hadn’t gotten the memo that she was finished with orgasms, because in less than a dozen more thrusts, every single one hitting that spot, she fell off the cliff for the fourth time, and mercifully, Blake followed her down.

They remained there, connected, neither speaking for several minutes, just staring into each other’s eyes, before Blake finally withdrew and dropped down next to her on the mattress.

“Still think you can live without sex?”

Erika grinned. “I don’t think I can survive the next twenty minutes without it.”

Blake laughed loudly. “Set a timer for fifteen minutes, Erik. Because I’m definitely going to do whatever it takes to keep my girl alive.”


Blake lay with his eyes closed, though he wasn’t asleep. Erika was resting quietly in his arms, using his chest as a pillow. After round two of the greatest sex of his life, they’d curled up together, and while neither of them was sleeping, it felt as if they were both taking some time to just wallow in this…bliss.

“Mmm.” Erika lifted her head. “What time is it?”

Blake picked up her phone from the nightstand. “Midnight.”

“Can’t believe I’m not sound asleep,” she murmured.

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