Page 27 of Restraint

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Personally, she blamed Blake for her current predicament. Because of the incredible orgasms and because she’d spent three years listening to the man talk about his sex life, drawing hot, kinky, horny pictures in her mind and building the act to a point that she couldn’t make herself settle for less.

Dammit. The next time she and Doug went out, she was inviting him in, taking him to her bed and, if she had to, forcing a spark. For all she knew, he could be a sensational lover.

Corky, who’d been about to drift off, lifted her head from Erika’s lap, looking toward the door. Erika didn’t hear anything, but when Corky hopped off the couch and bounded over to the door, she knew Blake was home.

Erika rose as well, opening her door just in time to see Blake unlock his. Corky raced across the hall with a happy bark.

Blake turned around, bending down to pick up the dog. Erika couldn’t help but notice the usual pep in his step seemed to be missing.

“Hey, Cork.”

Yep, his tone was the definition of weary. When he looked at her, and she got her first good glimpse at his face, she understood why.

“Jesus, Blake!”

“Looks worse than it feels.” He grabbed the duffel bag he’d dropped to grab Corky and walked into his apartment, leaving the door open for her.

She followed, closing the door then walking over to him.

Blake smirked, unsurprised when she crooked her finger, silently demanding that he bend down for her to check him out.

He had one hell of a shiner and a split lip that was red and puffy.

“Rough trip?”

He lifted one shoulder casually. “Won the first one, lost this afternoon’s. Fucking Tampa had a hard-on for us, playing dirty as shit. Tank took a hard check into the boards, then three minutes later, the same fucking asshole high-sticked Victor, clipped him in the chin. I lost my shit.”

Erika continued to examine him as he bitched, peering into his eyes to make sure they weren’t dilated.

“You know the fight happened hours ago, and the team doc checked me out,” he said, attempting to grin, then wincing when he pulled on the cut on his lip.

“Humor me.”

“You didn’t watch the game?”

She shook her head. “No, sorry. Missed it. I did catch the one a couple days ago.”

Blake’s eyes narrowed, and she wondered if he was pissed. She probably missed as many games as she saw, thanks to her work schedule, but it never seemed to bother him before.

“Are you wearing makeup?”

Erika frowned, confused by the question. “Yeah.”


Now where the hell was that question coming from? It wasn’t like she never wore makeup, though she usually didn’t do more than swipe on some mascara and lip gloss. Tonight, she’d put in some effort prior to her date.

“I got back just a little while ago myself.”

Blake crossed his arms. “From where?”

“A date.”

She hadn’t mentioned Doug to Blake. She wasn’t sure why. That was yet another one of those annoying things that had been rolling around in the back of her head. Blake was her best friend in the world. And it wasn’t like he tried to hide his hookups from her. They shared practically everything.

So, why had she hesitated telling him?

That same part that knew why she wasn’t sleeping with Doug knew this answer too. But she refused to admit the reason, even if only inside her own brain.

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