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Carmella placed a cup of coffee before me. “Let me guess, you like black coffee?”

I raised an eyebrow at her. “Don’t tell me you’re some kind of coffee psychic who can tell what a person likes just by looking at them.”

She flicked her gaze over me, and I suddenly wished I hadn’t invited her scrutiny. I hadn’t washed my face, and it had to be a mess of the makeup I’d worn last night. My hair was tangled and fuzzy. My eyes felt gritty. I was in absolute shambles.

“You look like someone who doesn’t have time to take care of themselves. Someone who works too hard and survives on scraps here and there, and a whole lot of caffeine to power through.” Carmella’s voice told me she knew she was right.


Sonny snorted. “Just like the boss when he got back from Napoli, no?” he addressed to Carmella.

She nodded.

Renato had once been as tired and pressed to a sharp point as I was on a regular basis? I couldn’t imagine it. The man seemed too collected. Too in control of everything and everyone around him.

“You look after your sister, don’t you?” Sonny continued, again making me wonder how much he knew about me. “Kids are tough.”

“She’s not a kid. Well, nearly not. She’s nineteen.”

“Nineteen is a kid in some ways, and not in others. You don’t seem that much older yourself, if you don’t mind me saying.”

“I’m twenty-six,” I muttered and took a sip of coffee.

This conversation wasn’t making me feel good about myself. I usually worried that I was getting haggard and old before my time, thanks to my stressful life and taking care of Lucy. Now, it seemed my lifestyle wasn’t as aging as I’d worried it was. It was an odd relief. But why did I even care? The day I cared about whether Renato De Sanctis, self-appointed dictator over my life, thought I was pretty, would be the day I jumped off the roof. It would be a clear sign I'd been body-snatched.

“Buongiorno tutti,” a deep voice spoke from the door, sending nerves flaring through me.

Renato walked into the kitchen, passing behind the counter to kiss Carmella on the cheek. It was like a tiger had strolled into the room with no sign of a handler or collar. It was too much.Hewas too much.

The older woman smiled at him, patting his hand, and they conversed in Italian. I took the chance to study the man holding me captive. Casa Nera clearly had a gym, because he’d been working out, judging by his gym wear and the sheen of sweat on his bare arms.

Those arms were something else. I couldn’t stop looking at them. His body was a monument to strength and beauty, hidden until now beneath his designer suits. His arms bulged with muscle when he moved them. No wonder he could toss me around like I was a kid. Compared to his size and strength, I practically was one.

“Good morning, Charlotte.”

Renato’s words jerked me out my inspection, and I met his warm, dark eyes. “Why are you calling me that? I thought I was Miss Burke to you?”

He nearly grinned as he leaned his elbows on the counter, bringing his face closer to mine. “Now that you’re going to be family, I’d say it’s time to drop the formalities.”

I wet my lips, the conversation turning my mouth dry. “Maybe I liked the formalities.”

Renato shrugged his well-developed shoulders nonchalantly. “Too bad. I don’t. What you’ll come to learn about this house, and this family,bambina, is that I make the rules. My word is law, and I’m the judge, jury, and executioner here. Don’t forget that, and behave accordingly.”

I nodded. “Right, note to self: Don’t piss off the dictator, or he might change his mind about killing you in cold blood, like he nearly did last night.” The words flew out of me before I could stop them.

The kitchen fell silent for a long moment. Sonny broke the tension by slapping the counter and letting out a hearty laugh. “Boss, we’ve got a live one here! I’m sure you’ll enjoy teaching your new little wife how to behave.”

Renato sent a dark look at Sonny, who spluttered into his coffee. “No disrespect, of course,” he added hastily.

The teasing sent blood to my face. I stood, my chair scraping loudly over the tile. I turned around and got one step before Renato’s voice lashed out and held me in place. “I didn’t give you permission to leave, Charlotte, nor did you ask for it.”

The painful silence drew out. If I left now, like I wanted to, I was going against Renato’s explicit command. He wanted me to ask him for permission, and I just couldn’t bring myself to. But I also didn’t want to make a scene and then lose. He could do anything he damn well wanted to me here, and there was nothing I could do about it. He could probably do anything he wanted to meanywhereand get away with it. The idea made me feel powerless and weak, and I hated it.

“Lucy will wake up soon and be scared. I don’t want her to be alone when she comes to.” My voice was full of pride, and I couldn’t bring myself to turn around and meet the tyrant’s eyes. My skin was hot between my shoulders, right where I imagined Renato’s eyes were staring.

“Very thoughtful of you. Sonny, stay and finish your coffee. I’ll escort Charlotte back to her room.”

I nearly changed my mind and sat down again. After last night, I really didn’t want to be alone with Renato. The whole thing was seared in my mind, and yet it was hazy in a way, too. Maybe all trauma ended up feeling like that – and thinking you’re about to die in a parking lot or shooting someone point-blank definitely qualified as trauma.

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