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I gripped the water carafe and seriously considered dumping it over Dan’s head. The urge was so strong, I couldn’t make my feet move away for a minute. Instead, like a glutton for punishment, I stood there and listened to him talk horribly about me, before I tore myself away, his words ringing in my ears. I couldn’t afford to make a scene and lose my job or damage my reputation among the hospital staff in attendance.

There was nothing I could do but walk away. My tattered pride ripped a little more with every step in the opposite direction. Pretty soon, I wouldn’t have any dignity left at all.

I tried to rally.Hey, I could still spit in Dan’s food.My attempt to comfort myself fell flat. I’d never do that. I was the type of person who could take a punch and keep on going. It was a claim I hated to be able to make. I’d been taught early on to turn the other cheek. Lately, it felt like both my cheeks had tread marks on them, considering the number of people who had walked over me.

Self-critical, dark thoughts circled my head as I made my way across the empty dance floor, then abruptly died at the sight of a couple of latecomers, strolling through the banquet doors like they owned the place.

I stopped dead in my tracks, feeling like I’d accidentally hit my head or passed out and was hallucinating. There was no way that Renato De Sanctis had just walked in the door, in a tux and drawing all eyes.

He surveyed the crowd, his classically handsome features looking as regal as ever, and seemed to find it lacking. He had an innate aloofness that rich people like Daniel would love to cultivate, but never came close to.

His tux had the luxury bespoke style I saw on high rollers, and his dark waves, with that streak of steel, caught the lights and shined. His olive skin glowed, too. He was a man born to wear formalwear and look like a god doing it. He was also a man who had threatened my life the night before and shot two men dead in cold blood, perfect, precise head shots, right beside me. My ears still rang from the bangs.

The water carafe was sweating in my hands and nearly slipped. I grabbed at it and started off the dance floor. I couldn’t wander around all night. My line manager would wonder why I hadn’t come back to the kitchen. As I headed toward the edge of the tables, I finally registered the woman beside Renato.

She was stunning. About the same age as me, with a soft cloud of inky curls, a black dress that seemed like she was paying homage to the black swan, and blood-red lipstick, she looked right by Renato’s side. A dangerous man, with an equally dangerous woman. I’d never felt frumpier in my ill-fitting waitressing uniform and my low ponytail.

The moment Renato’s eyes met mine was like I’d put my hand in an electrical socket. A full-body shock lit up my nerves when his gaze rested on me. There was no surprise in his expression. He simply stared at me, and I stared right back.

“Excuse me, could I have a water refill?” someone asked beside my elbow, startling me.

“Of course,” I muttered, messily pouring a refill. My hands shook.

“Did you see that Renato De Sanctis is here? He'll sometimes make an appearance at these types of things.” A group of women gossiped amongst themselves.

I moved around the table, refilling water and shamelessly eavesdropping.

“And what an appearance it is. I wonder who the chick is?”

“I’m not sure, but he’s been seen with her before.”

“Well, she's certainly pretty enough to be his side piece. I can't believe he owns this hotel," one of them said wistfully.

He owns this hotel?Sickness surged through me, and I stepped away and forced deep breaths. I’d been skulking around all day, wondering how we’d stay off Renato De Sanctis’ radar, when I literally worked in one of his casinos? It was just my kind of luck.

A deep voice interrupted my spiraling. “Miss Burke. What a coincidence.”

Holy crap.Renato had come over to speak to me. Right here in front of everyone.

I held my carafe in a death grip and turned around. There he was, looking like the powerful god I’d promised to believe in, staring down at me with that intense expression I’d come to associate with him.

“Is it really a coincidence?” I asked immediately. “I’d have expected a man like you to do your due diligence. You probably know everything about me, down to whether I prefer tampons or pads.”

What the hell, Charlie?Okay, well, I’d clearly lost my mind.

Renato was unruffled. He picked a speck of invisible dirt from his cuff. “I must say, I might have overlooked that one. I’ll have to add it to the list.”

A scoff left me. This guy was equal parts terrifying and wise guy, and I didn’t know how to handle that. He was utterly undisturbed by whatever I threw at him. “So, you knew I’d be here?”

“In this ballroom, no. In my hotel, of course. That said, I don’t believe in coincidences, Miss Burke. I believe in fate.”

Over his shoulder, the stunning woman headed toward us, her black ball gown rippling like ink as she approached.

“Ren. You lied. There are exactly zero fuckable men here, and I got waxed for this,” she accused Renato as soon as she got close. She wrapped one hand around his bicep and inspected me, tilting her head to the side.

“You’re Charlotte Burke.Charlie. Aren’t you?”

I swallowed hard. “And you are?”

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