Page 18 of Their Love Nest

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Well, he thinks it's best. I know what’s best.

“Um,” I say, thinking of ways to buy time. “I have to make arrangements. I’m going to have to get back to you on that.”

“Could you please let me know when?

“I know. Sorry. I need to figure it all out. I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.”

He lets out a very French-sounding “Hrmph,” then, “Well, you’d better hurry. I cannot keep this position open for very long.”

“Thank you for working with me.”

Another "Hrmph."

I stand up and head out of the boutique.

Waiting for me outside is my old friend Tabitha, dressed as weirdly as she ever does. An old dress altered to add her own style, hand-crafted jewelry, and a rainbow of scarves.

“So what’s the verdict?”

“I got the job.” My tone being what you’d expect as if I was announcing my dog had died.

“You sound so absolutely thrilled.”

“Yeah, well, that’s about where I am about it.”

Tabitha is someone I went to high school with, and stayed in contact with after we graduated. She got to know Savvy, too, because she was a regular at the diner where we both worked, and we always welcomed her and fixed her up with some free coffee. She wanted to help me, too, when I hit my rough spell, but she’s devoted to making her own way with her arts and crafts, so the place she is renting is basically a closet with a bathroom. She’s got absolutely zero space for me to sleep, yet she still offered.

We head along to a local café, her wanting to catch up with me being we haven’t really talked since I ran off to the woods for a while.

“So how’s Savvy been doing out in the boondocks with the survivalist carpenter type?”

“Hunter? I wouldn’t call him a survivalist.”

“He built his own cabin. That’s more survivalist than most guys are.”

“Yeah, but he’s not running his own power grid and collecting his own rainwater. He’s just woodsy and folksy. Very indicative of Evergreen Valley in general, from the time I’ve spent there.”

We take our seats and place our orders. Simple coffees, neither Tabitha nor I made of money.

“Savvy seems super happy,” I say. “Her son is so cute, and Hunter is everything you’d want in a man. Was literally smoking brisket when I first arrived. How can you get better than that?”

Tabby chuckles. “I’m looking forward to some of that more rural cooking when I head out there.”

“You’re going to Evergreen Valley?” I cock an eyebrow. “Didn’t think you had any family there.”

“No, but there’s a big monthly farmers market. It brings people from all over the county, and I think that’s just a prime place to move some of my crafts. I’d be dumb not to go and hawk my wares there.”

“Seems like fertile ground for people who don’t shop at fancy places like the High Street Boutique.”

“Yeah, I’m not going to get any sales hanging around your future workplace, Char. Don’t take offense if you don’t find me a common visitor there.”

“I won’t. The place is honestly too fancy for my tastes, but they pay well, and hey, it might be a stepping stone to something more.”

Tabitha gets her coffee and starts to stir in a bunch of sugar and cream. “So why aren’t you more psyched about it? You get to work with clothes, which is what I thought you always wanted.”

“Because it means I have to live in, or at least close to, Smithsport. And I kind of don’t want to do that.”

My friend chuckles. “One week in the woods and you’re done with civilization.”

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