Page 10 of Their Love Nest

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I stroke my chin. “With how broke I was? Not often. But it was nice to have the option.”

“You can have a lot of fun at the local bar, I bet. Last call is at two in the morning on Fridays.”

“Not Saturdays?”

“Well, no, Sunday is church, and staying up that late on Saturdays wouldn’t be moral.”

We both share a chuckle. Neither of us were super religious, but we didn’t take offense to people who were.

“So give me the details,” Savvy says, shooting her eyes at me. She’s planning on going from discussing the very holy to the very much sinful.

“The details of what?” I reply, playing stupid. We head toward the house, Savvy still rocking her newborn back and forth as we go.

“Bear and you. You don’t just go off and spend the night with someone because they platonically offered you a room in their house.”

“That’s what you did, and I’m not sleeping with you, Savvy.”

“Yeah, well, we’ve known each other for a few years. You and Bear are very different.”

“He’s just a nice guy. An actually very nice guy. One that wants to help.”

“You’re an awful liar, Char.”

“What, you don’t think Bear’s nice?”

“Not about that. Just the way you walked from the truck just now, or how you came back here in the same vehicle.”

“Uh, the last one is just efficiency and the first is, um... me stubbing my toe.”

She’d cross her arms sassily if there wasn’t a baby preventing her from doing so.

“And if we did do some unclothed exercises together, what would it mean to you?” I say, shooting a fierce glare right back at her.

“Nothing. Just that you’ve fallen for the woodsman just as hard as I did, and just as quickly too.”

“Are... are you suggesting that...?”

“Hunter and I? The first night we met?”

I smile at her. “I never expected you to be indulgent, Savvy.”

We giggle like gossiping schoolgirls. “I’m really happy for you, Char. You need this more than anything, and you deserve it too.”

We take a seat at the kitchen table, and Savvy pours us each a cup of coffee. I take mine and have a sip. “Glad I’m not being judged for it, at least. My mother would probably have choice words for me doing things with a guy when we haven’t even been on a proper date.”

“Life’s short, Char. Do what brings you joy. I want what’s best for you, and I want what’s best for Bear too. He could use a gal like you.”

“He seems to have his stuff together. Does he really need me showing up and making a mess out of everything, as I’m known to do?”

“There’s some hurt Bear has. He’s good at hiding it. A lot of men are, but him especially.”

I nurse my coffee. He does seem too perfect, and nothing is ever that perfect. “What do you think’s going on with him? Anything I should worry about?”

Savvy shakes her head. “Nothing that I think would hurt you. Bear is, for lack of a better term, a teddy bear. He wouldn’t hurt anyone.”


“Well, not unless they really deserved it. Same with Hunter. Very protective. Calm, and sweet, but if you hurt who they care for? They’ll show their fangs.”

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