Page 46 of Montana Healing

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Sarah raises an eyebrow at me, half-amused, half-skeptical. "Oh? And what do you suggest, Dr. Tyler?”

I smile, continuing in a mock-serious voice, "I recommend confronting those fears head-on. Perhaps we can start dismantling them individually by understanding they stem from a deeper vulnerability."

She giggles, lightly hitting my arm. "You’re incorrigible, you know that?"

I laugh with her, but the playful banter soon softens into something more earnest. "But seriously, Sarah, we can’t let what others might think dictate how we live our lives or measure our happiness. We get to define that for ourselves."

She sighs, her face becoming thoughtful again. "I know you're right, but it’s hard. I’ve always cared too much about what people think."

I nod, gazing into her eyes with all the seriousness I can muster. "It’s okay to care, but don’t let it control you. We must focus on what we have together—a strong and real love. No one else’s opinion can diminish that."

She looks away for a moment, then back at me, her eyes shining with a mix of resolve and vulnerability. "When you put it that way, it does make sense." Her voice is softer now, almost like she’s talking to herself, processing everything.

Taking her hand in mine, I continue, "Remember, we have each other. We’re a team. Whenever doubts creep in, we’ll face them together. That’s how we’ll make this work."

Sarah smiles, and it’s like the clouds parting after a storm. She leans in, resting her head on my shoulder once more, and we sit quietly, finding strength in each other’s presence.

"Thank you, Tyler," she whispers. "For always knowing how to make me feel better."

I chuckle softly. "Any time. Just call me Dr. Tyler."

She gives me another playful smack on the arm, then wraps her arms around me, holding tight. At that moment, everything feels just right. The doubts and fears are whispers compared to the symphony of what we’re building together.

As the room fades into the background, I can only focus on her warmth, her heartbeat syncing with mine. And I know, without a doubt, that what we have is worth fighting for.

Just as we’re basking in the moment's warmth, Timmy, quietly playing with his toy cars on the floor, suddenly perks up. His eyes widen with excitement, and he jumps to his feet, clutching a tiny action figure.

“Daddy, can we go to the cowboy event at the ranch today? Please?” he begs, his voice full of eagerness. “I heard there’s gonna be lots of BBQ and sweets!”

Sarah’s body tenses beside me, and I feel her grip tighten momentarily. I draw in a deep breath, letting the weight of the situation sink in. Today might be the day I let the world know that Timmy is my son, and the mysterious kid seen with Sarah around town is not just any kid—he’s mine.

“Sure, buddy,” I reply, trying to keep my voice steady. “We can go. Why don’t you ask Mrs. Carolyn if she wants to join us?”

Timmy’s face lights up with pure joy as he dashes out of the living room, his little feet pounding against the wooden floor. I hear him calling out excitedly as he races to find Mrs. Carolyn.

Sarah turns to me, her eyes wide with fear. “Tyler, are you sure this is a good idea?”

I meet her gaze, feeling a surge of confidence wash over me. “Yes, Sarah. I believe it’s the best idea I’ve had in a long time. It’s time the world knows about Timmy. I've kept him a secret for too long.”

She studies me momentarily, searching my face for any sign of doubt. Slowly, she nods, a small smile forming on her lips. “Okay. If you’re sure, then I trust you.”

I squeeze her hand reassuringly. “We’re a team, remember? We’ll face this together.”

Sarah nods again, and I can see some of the tension easing from her shoulders. Timmy comes running back into the room, practically bouncing with excitement.

“Mrs. Carolyn said she’d love to come! She said she’ll get ready right now!” he announces.

I chuckle at his enthusiasm. “Alright, little man. Let’s get our boots on and head to the ranch.”

We arrive at the ranch, and I can feel a knot of anxiety tightening in my chest. Beartooth Ranch is bustling with life, transformed into a makeshift carnival ground in a way. Families and friends crowd the area, their laughter and chatter adding to the festive atmosphere. Makeshift concession stands dot the landscape, offering everything from sweet treats to games where you can win prizes.

Timmy holds Mrs. Carolyn's hand tightly, his eyes wide with excitement as he enters the vibrant surroundings. He skips beside her, occasionally pointing out something that interests him. Mrs. Carolyn looks down at him with a warm smile, clearly enjoying his enthusiasm.

Sarah walks beside me, her posture rigid and eyes darting nervously. She’s trying to catch any sign of people whispering or staring, but everyone is too busy enjoying the festivities to notice us. I can feel the tension radiating off her in waves.

I reach out and touch the small of her back, leaning in to whisper in her ear. “Hey, relax. Everything is fine.”

She glances up at me, her eyes wide with unease. “But what if they start asking questions?”

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