Page 40 of Montana Healing

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My heart lifts like a rollercoaster, about to go over the hump and go down the track at full speed at his words. Such sweet words made me feel even guiltier about my behavior last night. I should have pushed more to get him to open up to me once I realized how upset he started to get. I did feel that I had been patient, but maybe not as patient as I would have liked.

"And I'm sorry about that. I wasn't pushing you away or anything. I had been well aware of your day and how long and grueling it must have been. I only wanted you to head home to relax and spend time with Timmy. To unwind from the long day you had."

"And I would have after seeing you. But... I don't know... Last night made me feel like you threw your independence in my face. Taking a stance that you can handle yourself and don't need anyone for anything."

I lower my head and feel down for a minute. It's the same thing my brother used to get on me about when I first moved here. He kept running to my house to help me move in, get situated, etc. I kept telling him I would be fine, but he became upset one day and told me it was okay to accept help when offered.

I told him I'm not used to people helping unless it involves having staff for my practice, and he chastised me for not thinking about myself outside of work. If Tyler feels the same way, I may have a firm grip on thinking I can only care for myself.

"I'm sorry for making you feel that way. Sometimes, how you are raised or live your life becomes a part of you. My grandparents raised me to be independent and not depend on anyone for anything. As a woman, it's easy for some men to expect something from you if you let them do something for you. Plus, I learned it's better to do things yourself because depending on others can let you down."

"I get that. Trust me, I do. But you must understand that you have someone who wants to help make your life easier. To help shoulder your burdens, problems, and any hindrances you believe you have. You always say that you and I are a team, but I want that to mean the same thing when it comes to you as well, not just when it comes to me."

I feel myself growing emotional while nodding my head because he's right. If anything, I've been hypocritical because I always preach to him that he needs to let me in and always confide in me. He has to be okay with someone being there by his side while he feels pushed away when he tries to do the same with me.

"I guess it's something I never imagined working on within myself. It's like when something becomes routine, or you get so set in your ways that it's just naturally a part of you. When it comes to you, Timmy, and even Mrs. Carolyn, I need to understand better that it's not just me anymore. I think I always felt like that, even with my brother, because he has his own family, and I felt I could fend for myself. But you three? You're like my family now, and I should learn to embrace that more."

Tyler wraps an arm around my shoulder to pull me into him before kissing me on my head.

"That's all I can ever ask for, Sarah. Just try to be more accepting that things have changed in your life. It's not just you anymore. Know that you have us now.”

Chapter 19


Shared Passions

I wake up slowly and feel a sense of contentment that has eluded me for a while now, and it takes a moment to realize why.

The air had been tense yesterday, but Sarah and I managed to break through it together. We talked, listened, and understood each other in a new and profound way. It was like adding another sturdy brick to the foundation of our relationship.

I glance over at Sarah, her face cradled in a dream-like tranquility. She looks so peaceful and beautiful, lying there with her hair splayed out on the pillow, her breathing slow and rhythmic.

As I watch her, a soft smile spreads across my face, and the memory of last night's conversation replays in my head. It's brought us closer, and I know it. We were both honest, raw, and vulnerable. Now, we are stronger for it.

When I finally glance at the bedside table's clock, I am pleasantly surprised to see that it’s already eight in the morning. Usually, I would be up by dawn, but today is different.

We have the house to ourselves.

Mrs. Carolyn had taken Timmy to the ranch for a special breakfast event, imploring us to sleep and get some much-needed relaxation. She understood, probably more than we did, just how worn out we were from our demanding schedules.

Sarah's long hours at the therapist's office and her late nights at the ranch, coupled with my intense rehab sessions and bull riding practice, had left us both drained.

But this morning is a gift—a stolen moment to recharge, to be. I pull the blanket tighter around Sarah, careful not to wake her, and lie beside her, soaking in the quiet. It feels like a new beginning, a fresh chapter where we can grow closer.

Today will be a good day, filled with promise and the love we have cultivated so tenderly.

As the minutes pass, I wonder what Sarah is dreaming about. Is she reliving our conversation from last night in her mind, too? Is she feeling the same sense of peace and connection that I am? I hope so.

As I lie there next to Sarah with the sun shining through the window, I can't help but feel a sense of contentment. The quiet of the house, the stillness of the world outside, it's almost as if time has slowed just for us. I glance at Sarah again, her face serene and beautiful, and something stirs inside me.

I lean in closer, the scent of her shampoo still lingering in her hair, and I softly kiss her neck. She doesn’t stir, so I place another, lingering longer. A quiet hum escapes her lips, and I smile.

"Good morning, beautiful," I whisper against her skin between kisses, feeling the warmth of her body radiating through the thin fabric of her nightgown. She shifts slightly, her eyes fluttering open and a lazy smile spreading across her face as she meets my gaze.

“Good morning,” she murmurs, her voice husky with sleep. “What are you up to?”

“Oh, nothing,” I say with a chuckle. “Just starting the day right.” I continue to kiss her neck slowly and deliberately, feeling the way her body responds to each touch.

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