Page 31 of Montana Healing

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Sarah interjects with genuine curiosity, "Timmy, did you learning about spiders at school?"

"Yeah, we studied insects and arachnids at my old school. Did you know that not all spiders make webs? Some are hunters!" Timmy's enthusiasm for the topic is infectious, his earlier fascination with video games and hidden cookies forgotten momentarily.

Mrs. Carolyn nods encouragingly. "That’s right. Nature is fascinating. There's always something new to learn."

I lean forward, intrigued by Timmy's newfound fascination with spiders. "Hey, Timmy," I start, trying to hold back a smile, "with all this talk about spiders, would you ever want one for a pet?"

Timmy's eyes widen as if the thought had never occurred to him. He drops his fork with a clank against his plate, the sound echoing slightly in the sudden silence that follows my question. "Ew, no! Never!" he exclaims, shuddering visibly at the idea. "Spiders are cool to learn about, but I’d never want one near me. No way!"

Mrs. Carolyn's laughter rings out first, clear and melodious, and soon Sarah and I join in, our laughter mingling together in the warm kitchen air. It's a moment of genuine happiness, the kind that's so rare and precious. "I just love that," Sarah manages to say between giggles, "You've been talking our ears off about spiders, and you wouldn't even think of having one as a pet!"

Mrs. Carolyn wipes a tear from the corner of her eye, still chuckling. "Seems like our little expert here has his limits after all," she says, her voice full of mirth.

I catch Timmy's eye and wink at him. "Well, it's good to know where you draw the line, Timmy. We'll stick to cookies for snacks instead of spider pets."

Timmy finally cracks a smile, still a bit wary from the subject of our laughter but relieved at the change of topic. "Yeah, cookies are way better than spiders," he agrees, nodding vigorously as he picks up his fork once again.

The conversation drifts away from spiders as we finish our dinner, each of us sharing bits and pieces of our day. During this time, I can't help but to steal proud glances and smiles at Sarah, who is captivated by Timmy's tales.

I'm realizing the more she spends time with us, the more it feels like she's part of our family.

Chapter 14


Love in Unexpected Places

Every day, the lines between Tyler, Timmy, and me fade just a bit more, painting a picture of a connection I never dared dream of.

Tyler effortlessly draws me into the everyday rituals of his life with Timmy—from casual dinners to weekend escapades—stirring up a warmth in me that's hard to label. It's like he's slowly prying open a door I had locked tight, letting light dance into the neglected nooks of my heart.

Mrs. Carolyn, with her spirited laughter and endless warmth, reminds me so much of what family means. Her occasional breaks, her time for herself, only underline the importance of balance in life—an example I deeply appreciate.

But it's in the everyday moments with Tyler and Timmy that I find something profoundly simple yet overwhelmingly significant. It's in the way Tyler looks at me across the table, a silent thank you for being there, or the laughter we share over Timmy's vivid storytelling—it's in these moments I feel something shifting.

Jake and his new family welcomed me with open arms from the moment I set foot in Pine Creek, shining like a beacon of stability and kinship in the wild frontier. But, oh, as wonderful as they are, what's unfolding with Tyler and Timmy kicks up a whole different kind of dust storm.

It's like I'm not just a bystander to their lives but riding shotgun, becoming an indispensable part of this unfolding saga. The love and affection swirling between Tyler and me, growing stronger with every unexpected twist and turn, catches me off guard and sends my heart racing.

It's a wild ride, proving the unpredictable beauty of life—how love and belonging can lasso us at the most unexpected of watering holes.

Reflecting on everything, a wave of gratitude washes over me—for the laughter that spices up our evenings, the knowing glances we share, and the quiet nods toward a future we're painting together in broad, hopeful strokes.

With Tyler and Timmy, even Mrs. Carolyn, by my side, I stumble upon an unexpected family, one that fits as snugly and truly as anything I've ever known. It's a flavor of sweet and sour realization, sprinkled with the thrill of belonging and a dash of fear for the vulnerability it drags along.

Yet, as I settle down tonight, my heart's lighter than it's been in ages, lifted by the love of a family I never saw coming but now couldn't dream of doing without.

Just thinking about Tyler’s smile, crooked and disarmingly genuine, sends a ripple of giddiness through me that I can hardly keep under wraps. It's like being hit with a wave of enchanting happiness. The kind that reminds you of your first crush but goes way deeper, striking right at the soul.

I've felt affection before, sure, and been caught up in the whirlwind of infatuation, but with Tyler, it feels like the universe has hit pause and decided to rewrite the whole love rule book just for the two of us. His laughter is a melody that lingers in my ears, becoming the soundtrack I'm hooked on.

And those moments when our eyes lock? I'm swept up in a whirlwind of warmth and excitement, sparking an electrifying buzz that's completely new and exhilarating.

I used to scoff at romance novels for being too predictable, but here I am, smack in the middle of a story I'd have called too good to be true.

My once skeptic mind is now playing with the idea of soulmates. How else can you explain this undeniable connection, this sense of being whole only when he's around?

Tyler, with his gentle soul and fierce compassion, has breezed into my life, tearing down barriers I didn't even know I had.

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