Page 3 of Montana Healing

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I nod, recalling our many conversations about the move and starting fresh.

At the time, I was skeptical and hesitant to uproot what little stability we had.

But looking at Timmy now, seeing how he's flourished and embraced this new beginning with an open heart, I know she was right.

"You were right, Mrs. Carolyn."

I admit, the words were not as hard to say as I thought they might be.

"This was the best decision. Seeing him so happy, so... alive. It's more than I could've asked for."

Mrs. Carolyn smiles, her gaze softening.

"Well, I've been around the block a time or two."

She says with a chuckle.

"I'm just glad to see you both doing so well."

With a burst of energy that only a child possesses, Timmy dashes upstairs to his bedroom, the sounds of his laughter trailing behind him like the tail of a comet.

Mrs. Carolyn watches him go with a fondness that speaks volumes of their relationship before turning her gentle, inquiring eyes back to me.

"So, Tyler."

She starts, her tone shifting to a more serious note.

"How did it go with your new therapist today?"

She leans against the kitchen counter, inviting me to open up.

I sigh, the weight of the world seemingly settling back on my shoulders.

"Honestly, Mrs. Carolyn, I don't get it."

I confess, my frustration bubbling up as I lean on the opposite counter facing her.

"Why do I need a therapist for an injured knee? Isn't the rehab enough? I'm here to get my body back in shape, not spill my guts to some stranger."

Mrs. Carolyn nods her expression understanding but stern.

"Tyler, remember how you were after the injury? The anger you felt wasn't just because of the pain. You were on a fast track to the top, and then, in one moment, everything changed. It wasn't just your knee that needed healing. It was also your mind. The depression, the pushing everyone away... Moving to Pine Creek was about starting fresh in more ways than one. And bull riding again, especially at a ranch that values safety like Beartooth Ranch does, is your dream, right?"

Her words, spoken with the wisdom and frankness I've come to rely on, hit me harder than I want to admit.

Yet, the skepticism and doubt about the therapy process cling to me stubbornly.

"I just... I don't see how talking about my feelings will help me get back on a bull again. If anything, it's going to annoy me more. Make me feel even more on edge."

I argue, though part of me wonders if I'm just afraid of facing those feelings head-on.

Mrs. Carolyn's smile is kind, yet her firm gaze tells me she won't back down on this.

"Tyler, healing isn't just about the physical wounds. And sometimes, facing what annoys or scares us most is exactly how we move past it. Give it a chance. For Timmy, if not for yourself. He needs his dad in all ways; not just halfway."

Her words linger between us, a gentle yet undeniable challenge. I find myself forced to consider that maybe, just maybe, there's truth in her perspective.

And as I stand there, in the warmth of our kitchen, the sound of Timmy's joyous play echoing down the stairs, I can't help but wonder if Pine Creek—and everything it represents—might be the healing ground I've been so stubbornly resisting.

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