Page 29 of Montana Healing

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I quietly head upstairs, giving Timmy and his dad a moment alone. I can hear the muffled sounds of their voices, laughter bubbling up through the hallway, a clear sign that Timmy is pouring out stories of our adventures.

I wait it out until Timmy comes rushing out in excitement, gives me a big hug once he sees me, and then rushes downstairs to go bake cookies with Mrs. Carolyn.

I pause at Tyler's door, taking a deep breath before I enter, ready to see how he's fared through the day.

Tyler is sitting up against the pillows, a steaming mug of tea in his hands, his eyes glued to the TV screen. But as I step in, he quickly grabs the remote and mutes the volume, a wide smile spreading across his face. He looks so much better than this morning, the pallor replaced by a hint of color, making my heart do a little flip.

"How are you feeling?" I ask, as I sit down on the side of the bed close to him, careful not to spill his tea.

"I'm feeling a lot better, thanks," Tyler responds, his voice stronger than it was. "This tea's a real miracle worker." He gestures to the mug with a chuckle, then sets it down on the bedside cabinet.

I can't help but smile back, relieved to see him more like himself. "I'm glad to hear that. Timmy had the best day, by the way. He hasn't stopped talking about coming back to take on the burger challenge," I share, a laugh escaping me.

Tyler's eyes light up at the mention of Timmy. "That's my boy," he says proudly, the love for his son evident in his voice. "Thanks for today, Sarah. Knowing he was having a good time made resting up a lot easier."

The gratitude in his voice sends a warmth through me, a reminder of the small, beautiful moments that we've started sharing. "It was my pleasure, truly. I enjoyed it as much as he did."

Tyler's gaze shifts from the muted TV to me, the intensity in his eyes almost taking my breath away. "Seeing Timmy so happy today, coming home boasting about his day with you... it got me pretty emotional," he admits, his voice just a whisper against the stillness of the room.

I reach for his hand, squeezing it gently, encouraging him to continue.

"It's just...I've always wished for Timmy to have a motherly figure in his life. Someone who cares for him, challenges him, and enjoys his boundless energy," Tyler pauses, his eyes searching mine for a reaction. "And seeing how fond he is of you, Sarah, means a lot to me."

My heart swells, my mind racing to process his words. A mix of happiness and fear knots in my stomach. "Tyler," I start, my voice barely above a whisper. "I care about Timmy so much. He's a wonderful boy, and you're an incredible father. Being a part of your lives, even just as a friend, has been so rewarding for me."

He smiles, that warm smile that brightens the darkest days. "I was hoping you'd say something like that. But, Sarah, it's more than just being friends to me now. You've become a part of our lives in a way I never expected, but always hoped for," Tyler confesses, his gaze holding mine.

The room feels charged with an energy I can't describe. The significance of his words settles over me, wrapping around my heart like a warm blanket. I realize, in this quiet moment, how much Tyler and Timmy mean to me, and how much I want to be there for both of them.

"Tyler, I—" My voice falters as emotions threaten to overwhelm me. Taking a deep breath, I find the courage to continue. "I feel the same. You and Timmy have become my world too. I don't know what the future holds, but I do know that I want to be part of your lives, in whatever way I can."

A tear escapes Tyler's eye, and he quickly brushes it away. "Sarah, hearing you say that—it's all I've wished for."

Tyler's arms envelop me in a hug, a fortress of warmth that seems to shield us from the world's chaos. He holds me close, and I can feel the steady beat of his heart against mine, a comforting rhythm in the silence that stretches between us.

His sigh, deep and content, vibrates through his chest, sending waves of reassurance through me. It's a moment of pure bliss, a safe haven in each other's arms, where the complexities of our emotions find a peaceful respite.

The silence, thick with unspoken words and burgeoning feelings, wraps around us like a cocoon. It's in this quietude that I muster the courage to voice the thoughts that have been swirling in my mind, shadowed by fear and hesitation.

"Tyler," I begin, my voice a soft murmur against his shoulder. "I've realized something." I pull back slightly, needing to see his face, to gauge his reaction to my confession. "I use the term 'friends' a lot when it comes to us, but...I don't feel that way. It's just easier to say 'friends' because I'm terrified to admit we're straddling the line between friendship and something more. Between friendship and a relationship."

Tyler's response isn't with words, but with actions. His hand comes up to gently rub my back, a soothing motion that calms the storm of emotions raging within me.

"Sarah," he says after a moment, his voice a tender caress that warms me to my core, "I understand. I do."

He pulls me closer again, as if to reinforce his words with the security of his touch.

"And that's the beauty of it, isn't it? We're taking our time, letting whatever this is between us bloom naturally. There's no rush, no need to label it. As long as we continue to nurture this...connection, everything will be alright."

His words, simple yet profound, wash over me like a balm, soothing the raw edges of my fears and doubts. In his arms, the world seems to right itself, and the possibilities of 'what could be' shimmer on the horizon, bright with promise.

Tyler's understanding, his patience, and his quiet strength are the anchors I didn't know I needed.

And with him, I feel like we can weather any storm, as long as we're together, taking it one step at a time.

Chapter 13


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