Page 18 of Montana Healing

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We free our bodies from our clothes and find ourselves on the bed together. I am swept up amid passionate kissing and these electrifying feelings I have never felt before.

The rain pounds against the windows, mimicking the intensity of our bodies pressed together. Sarah's hands roam down my back with a burning hunger, pulling me closer until there is no space between us. We desperately gasp and moan, our sounds blending in harmony as we seek more from each other.

As I enter her, she consumes me from the inside out. A fire rages through my veins, but it pales compared to the inferno growing between us. It feels almost surreal to think that we were two strangers brought together by a storm just hours ago.

But now, there is no denying the intense connection between us. I feel waves of emotion crashing over me with every touch, every caress. And as we move together with an urgent rhythm, everything else fades into oblivion.

Sarah's nails dig into my skin, urging me on as she cries out my name at the height of her pleasure. She knows exactly how to push me to my limits and beyond.

We can't bear to part from each other even after we both find release. We lie there in a tangled mess of limbs and breathless gasps, completely lost in each other.

"I can't believe this is real," I whisper hoarsely into her ear.

She traces circles on my back with a contented smile. "It's very real," she replies, her voice laced with pure satisfaction.

I kiss her deeply before nuzzling my head against her chest, listening to the steady rhythm of her heart beneath my ear. The storm passes outside, but inside this room, a different kind of storm rages on - fueled by passion and desire that shows no signs of slowing down.

Chapter 6


Unexpected Chemistry

It's Wednesday, and the day feels different. It's charged with an electric current of anticipation and newfound affection.

Tyler walks in for his therapy session, and the moment I see him, my heart ignites. There's a lightness in his stride, a smile playing on his lips that wasn't there before.

"Good morning, Sarah," he greets, his voice a gentle rumble that stirs something profound within me.

"Good morning, Tyler," I reply, trying to maintain the professionalism that's become harder to uphold since that night in his cabin. There's an unspoken conversation in our glances, a warmth that we both try to set aside in the confines of these sessions.

Today, Tyler is more open than I've ever seen him. He talks about his fears, his dreams, and even the small victories he's recently experienced. It feels like we're breaking down walls, his honesty forging stronger connections between us, not just as therapist and client, but something more personal, more profound.

I think it also helps that I know he has a son, and that's something he doesn't have to hold back or hide from me during sessions anymore.

The session progresses, and I am caught in the whirlwind of my feelings. Tyler's presence fills the room, a comforting, exhilarating force. Despite the professional setting, his every word seems to pull me closer. His laughter and insights show sides of him I'm eager to explore. It's clear he feels the connection, too. His eyes hold mine with an intensity that speaks volumes.

When our time is up, he stands, hesitating for a moment. "Thank you, Sarah. Today felt... good," he says, his eyes lingering on mine.

"I'm glad to hear that, Tyler. I'm here to help," I manage to say, though my heart races with the unsaid.

He nods, a silent understanding passing between us.

"Would you like to grab lunch together?" he asks, his voice hopeful yet uncertain. Without a moment's hesitation, I say, "Yes, that would be nice," echoing how easily I had accepted his coffee date offer yesterday. It feels like we're gradually peeling back the layers of formality and caution, stepping into territory that's both exhilarating and terrifying.

I'm still worried about blurring the line between professional and personal, but I believe that line is already blurred based on what happened this past weekend.

We ride together in Tyler's pickup to Grandma's Comfort Diner. The drive from my office is short, but every second is laden with an unspoken anticipation. I glance at Tyler, his focus on the road, yet I can sense an undercurrent of eagerness in how he occasionally steals glances my way.

Walking into the diner with Tyler, I'm acutely aware of the shift in dynamics. Instead of the weird, nosy glances I half expected, we are greeted with warm, friendly smiles from the diner patrons. It's a small town, and Grandma's Comfort Diner is a local institution where everyone knows everyone. Yet, their acceptance of Tyler and me together catches me off guard, warming something inside me.

We find a booth by the window, and as we settle in, I can't help but notice how right it feels to be here with him. Perusing the menu, I ask Tyler, "Have you eaten here before?"

He shakes his head, his eyes scanning the extensive menu. "No, I haven't, but I've heard great things about it. What's good here?"

I smile, eager to share one of my favorite spots with him.

"Everything's good as this diner has the best food in town.“

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