Page 80 of Twisted Attraction

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“And you didn’t get a good look at his face?” I asked.

Spike leaned back in his seat and sighed. “No. The bastard was smart and sitting at an angle that only gave us a view of his mask and body, not his actual face. I remember the guy’s body type though, and from that alone, it’s not Karl. It can’t be. Karl’s at least twice the size of this other guy.”

Besides the rest of the damning evidence against Karl, this was good news. But knowing Harley like I did, it wasn’t going to be enough to exonerate him, not with his DNA and the masks at play.

Whoever’s doing this…

Whoever’s framing Karl…


Someone was hurting Karl to get to me. The packages, the texts, all of this bullshit was because of me.

But why?

Who the fuck would be twistedly psychotic enough to do something like this?

“I have to tell you guys something.”

I made a mistake confiding in Peter with this, but now—now I couldn’t help but think that it had to be related. Since Karl was being truthful about his involvement with Amber, then maybe he was telling the truth about this too.

“When Karl showed up here the other day… He’d asked for my help with something.”

“With what?” Phoenix asked.

I relayed to them what was said, watching as they shared the same expression they had in the interrogation room, when they first began interviewing Karl.

“There’s no evidence to back his claims,” I said before either of them could ask. “Karl thought it was all bullshit and tossed everything.”

“But what about his mistress?” Spike wondered. “Did she keep anything?”

I shrugged. “No clue. I let Karl say what he needed to say and then I ran back inside the house and called Peter. I never looked into it because I thought he was lying to me.”

“But now you’re not so sure.”

I nodded, agreeing.

If I was right about this, then whoever tampered with Karl’s truck was likely the same person responsible for these brutal attacks.

“We’ll look into it.” Phoenix rubbed a tense hand across his sharp jaw. “But for now, can we just call it quits on all this shit? I’m stressed out and could really use a damn drink.”

“I’ll get you something,” I told him, getting up and making way for the kitchen, grabbing a glass and pouring it about halfway.

I came back into the room and passed it off to him.

“I have a better idea,” Spike said when he got to his feet, grabbing my hand and pulling me close to him. His lips softly brushed against mine as he began tugging at the knot on my robe. “Why don’t we take this off and have a little fun?”

A blush crept up my face, and before I could form a response, the knot was undone, and the robe was at my feet, leaving me completely bare. Spike’s hands cupped my ass, and he squeezed them hard as he moved back to sit on the couch, pulling me on top so I’d straddle him. My lips parted when his hands met my hips, and he bucked his, allowing me to feel his raging erection.

Phoenix finished his drink and then scooted closer to me, grabbing my chin and bringing my mouth to his as Spike began kissing a torturous pace down my neck, the sensations making me moan softly against Phoenix’s lips.

“He’s been a bad boy, Eve,” Spike whispered gruffly in my ear as Phoenix’s tongue slid in my mouth, ravishing mine. “I think he could use some punishing, don’t you?”

Phoenix broke the kiss and then locked eyes with Spike, the hunger and sheer excitement in them doing fathomless things to my pussy.

“Get my cuffs,” Spike commanded as he slightly sat up even with me in his lap. “Back pocket.”

Phoenix rose to his feet when he had them and slowly began undressing. When he was fully naked, he turned with his hands behind his back, waiting.

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