Page 72 of Twisted Attraction

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“What is it?” I asked around the lump in my throat.

“I know this is hard and an awful lot to process, and I’m sorry. But I really need you to listen to me right now.”

“Okay,” my voice shook as I nodded. “I-I’m listening.”

“We still have a lot to do, but I have to be honest with you about this, Charlotte. It’s not looking good for either of you.”

“For me?” I questioned with a hand to my chest, forcing myself to swallow down the massive lump. “Wh-what do you mean?”

“Spike and I both agreed to do everything we possibly can to keep your name and involvement with the sanctum out of this. Spike’s theory was only supposed to be a theory, Charlotte. We never expected him to find what he did.”

Phoenix scrubbed tiredly at his face and then blew out a hoarse breath.

“Karl’s DNA may not be on Delilah, but it doesn’t excuse the fact the GPS in Karl’s patrol car proves he was in a neighboring parking lot on the night she was attacked. That automatically makes him a suspect, Charlotte, and you know it, especially given how long he was camped there that night. As far as I know, outside of me, you, and Spike, nobody else knows this information. But since Chief called Harley and filled her in on everything, knowing what we do puts all of us, especially Spike and myself, in a real fucked-up spot. We care about you, Charlotte. We… We love you,” he whispered, coming closer and cupping my face in his hands.

“We don’t want to hurt you, or worse, lose you.”

Tears filled my eyes, and I shook my head, not believing this was happening right now. As sweet as his words were, I knew I couldn’t be dumb about this. I had to really listen and consider everything he was telling me.

Captain Burgess knew the drill, as did Chief.

And now, Harley knew about the texts and the dead cat, plus the DNA match on Amber.


“I don’t want you two covering for me,” I whispered, sniffling as I raised my head and locked eyes on his, letting him know I was serious despite what I knew this would mean for my career. “You’re right. We are in a fucked-up spot, but we have to do our jobs, and we have to do this right despite how much or who it hurts.”

“Charlotte,” his voice cracked as he pulled me close to him, holding on tight.

“It’s okay, Phoenix,” I promised. He was so damn sweet, and the fact he was so goddamn perfect for me should be a goddamn crime. “Whatever you have to ask him, ask away. Either way, with or without the package or texts, I’m done, Phoenix. Harley won’t let me continue.”

“Right you are,” the devil’s voice boomed through the room.

Phoenix released me, and we both shared a gulp as we laid eyes on Harley with her back pressed against the outer door and a hand against her hip, her head cocked to the side.

“How,” I started, already knowing the answer as she narrowed her eyes at me. “How long have you been there?”

“Long enough.”

She stepped away from the door, and then eyed me and Phoenix, her glare darkening.

“Long e-fucking-nough.”

I winced as Harley paced Captain Burgess’s office, shouting obscenities that made me shrivel down in my seat like a child getting scolded by their parents for getting caught in a serious fib.

“I’m sorry, Harley,” I said, my voice coming out pitifully weak, my shoulders slumped. “I know I should’ve told you about my connection with the sanctum, and that I was there the night Delilah was attacked. I mean, I was there, but I wasn’t inside the building when it happened. I’d already left and was headed home.”

My breath caught then, as something important, crucial—a memory, flashed in my head.

That was the same night Karl pulled me over.

He followed me from the club.

“Yes, you should have,” she’d all but screamed at me, and I looked up, finding her face twisted in a rage so intense that it had sent a dreadful chill spider-walking down my spine.

“Go home, Charlotte.”

She heaved in a deep breath and raised her shaking hands, balling them into tight fists and sighing before she turned away, her arms falling back to her sides.

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